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So.. the day started quite "oof" my older brother had a motorbike accident, it wasn't too bad, he only broke his femur (horrible bone to break but better breaking something worse).

I will be the one who takes care of him if he stays in my house so that will affect my schedule, i won't stop working, but might have to slowdown, for today i'm finishing adding majin support to a costume and then i will upload it right away.


Shield Labs

Take care of your Family First! We understand👍

Shield Labs

Hope for a speedy recovery too 🙏

Walter Seeker

Hey man take all the time you need


Ouch. Hope he gets better. The mods can wait. Family first over everything.


Don't worry about it just help your family. You've already done enough for people here. Don't stress it.


The devil did it to him, this I know. I had a bike accident, but it was on a bicycle though. 3 Tuesdays ago, I was on my way to the hospital to get something on me operated on. I wasn't even halfway there and my front tire popped (it was in front of the U-Haul on mahoning avenue and Glenwood here in Youngstown Ohio), and I was sent flying off my bike and onto my face arm and leg. I don't know how I survived, and I don't know how I didn't get knocked out from that. However, I thank God for being on my side, because the devil will try some slick and sneaky stuff towards people. I'll be praying for your older brother.


Take your time Keku. Family first. 🙏


Don't worry about it Keku. Family always comes first! may your brother recover fine

Andrew Chapman

Similar to your brother, I broke my tibia and fibula years ago had an argument with a car and I lost 😂 And with your brothers injury it’s going to be awkward and aggravating for him not being able to do simple normal stuff. So it’s more than understandable, that you go on hiatus to care for him, as he will need it until he’s injury is healed.


Damn, i'm glad everything was ok, it must have been rough. And thanks a lot for the prayers.


I hope so too! it will be a bit complicated to deal with, but everything should be ok ;)


Thank you! so my brother lost a argument with a car.. and a truck! haha the car smashed his leg against the bike and the truck, but it didn't make any damage outside, although his femur broke in half apparently. Well anyway thanks!! man i'm glad you recover well, i don't wish this kind of stuff for anyone XD