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I disagree with the "keku is the best modder!" but still, everyone is here beacause you like specifically what i do. Not because is better or worse, but because you like my style, and i'm very greateful for that!! never thought would be able to live from something i really like doing, also i got sent some real nice messages that even my family didn't help honestly, so from the bottom of my heart.. thank you, i love you all, everyone here is awesome!



I think you’re pretty awesome to me. Rather you think you’re not the best or think less of yourself, never forget that we all appreciate you and everything you’ve done. Sticking with ya till the end!


You are the best modder cause you at least try to evolve your product and actually do something for all races for people to enjoy and not be condescending pretentious douche bag about it when people ask.


In my eyes you are the best modder since you keep getting better each day and you are willing to do people's requests and improve your skills as well all of us appreciate every single mod you've done and you deserve all the support. Just like I said on the last post don't let the haters bring you down, it's just pure jealousy since they wish they were as good and kind as you are As a modder myself I can easily tell you put dedication and heart into the content you do so be proud of that I'll continue to support you till the end so keep those great mods coming and never let anyone's judgement towards your work bring you down


You might not consider yourself the best modder but you’re still No.1 in our terms. Keep up the good work bro!!

iwrin the hedgehog

Aye man in my opinion you are the best modder for cac stuff and I appreciate being your Patreon supporter hey this is like my 10th time being your patron bc your the only one that’s worth it 😉 and everyone can agree you make the best quality mods


Thank you man, big part of this was due to your support on the beginning.


thank you, it means a lot to me, glad people are happy with my content


You got a style that is clearly well received by many people, and you’ve been humble when you hit milestones. Heck, if it wasn’t for the outfits, hairs, or even the fashion budokai, I don’t think any of the characters I’ve made would’ve been created in the first place, so I’ll be thankful that your work has had that effect on me. Just keep on being you, and you’re gonna be doing great!

Above All Life

I openly disagree with your disagreement.