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Today i will release a couple mods (CAC) and finally, vegeta is almost done! did his last skill overnight, i still need to add facial expressions and more sounds to it.

No more teasers coming out for him, next we will straight up get his trailer and release ;)

I will add more costumes maybe since some are basically already finished and just need some little editing/tweaking, about the skills, DAMN THOSE DESTROYED ME XD they took a while to make (like a real good while LIKE A REALLY GOOD WHILE) i honestly liked how the skills turned out, they aren't that simple but not super complex either (i think haha) i made sure to add proper sound effects to the skills and stuff, i'm very happy to be finally close to sharing it to you guys, besides the CAC stuff i have to finish today, i will finish vegeta also and do some testing, hopefully all goes well, if yes, then we will have a great monday. I rushed to finish him before the month's end so everyone that saw the WIP shots could get him in time. Have a great day!! (or night wherever you are haha)



ooh i wonder what the CAC mods are


ok je suis en attente de voire sa a bien tôt merci I'm waiting for even its very early thank You


Cant wait for this one here!!