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-So, first.. I would like to as you guys what would you guys include on this, any ideas are welcome!

-Second: read what changes in this timeline if you want, to help you come with ideas that may fit this timeline!


 So.. Dabura someway snapped out of Babidi's Magic, killed Babidi and opened a gateway to HELL, which unleashed some of the known villains, with this, more of the Z fighters had to participate to go through this problem, such as Tien and Yamcha, which booth learned the fusion dance at the same time as Goten and Trunks did, and also.. Super Buu was able to absorb a lot of villains during this time, vegeta himself got through more zenkai boosts than normal and ended up unlocking SSJ3 and using it before knowing its downsides.

Gogeta will have a very hefty participation, also out of nowhere appears a certain brother-brother fusion.. (who could that be?)



Dragon Ball EndTime

This sounds like it's gonna be super fun!! I never liked Tiencha's hair style, super creepy and unattractive haha Have you thought about taking Yamcha's hair style from a certain part of the storyline for Tiencha to not give him that Budokai 2 appearance? ;)


I believe in a timeline like this Gohan would be much more motivated to train and maybe the supreme kai would unlock goku's potential instead of Gohan's . It would be cool if we saw Gokhan instead of Vegito.


Which villains were you planning on having Buu absorb?


would tiencha have a hairstyle more similar to how yamcha's hair was during the buu saga? and would there be a super buu (frieza absorbed) similar to budokai 2's?


about the frieza absorbed i'm not sure, and for tiencha.. maybe in his potara version??