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I was a indie game dev before doing mods :D just wanted to show something i did around 2 years ago. Making games actually looking truly retro is hard as making a game look modern haha unfortunately this took too much time from me with no monetary results, and since my family situation at the time wasn't good i just gave up on it XD


Enemy Physical Animation Test.



Keku this amazing why did you tell me this!?

Messenger Of Sound

This is pretty awesome, what made you stop?


I don’t know you made a game


Makes me wanna play resident evil 1 over again. It's a shame that you stopped working on this it looks good


Press F for this Project. May it Rest In Peace


Had to spend tooooo much time on it + lack of money and problems during development, i would have to learn how to use another 3d software and that would take even more time, so i ended up just stopping :(


Thank you!! my inspirations were mainly Resident Evil and Silent Hill, i even used the same techniques for making maps some of these older games did (taking/getting photos and model buildings/scenes using the pic as a base)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FltOBIBcheM <---Here's an older testing build for items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TN8GlYIZ_0 <---Here's an even older build from when the game was first person :D


That looks really cool!


I see that your inspiration was from the resident evil series.


A lot, aswell from the silent hill series, had planned on some nice enemies with some unique mechanics, shame i never got to finish it ;)


yo keku this is amazing dude