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Last weeks i talked about sleeping out and stuff, well that kinda thing ended, no more interruptions.

But well... 2 days left for 2021 and its official now, I really lost the love of my life, I'm truly heartbroken, but at the good side of things, we reached 111 patrons, thank you. A lot.

Might not be the happiest ending for me, but I hope your 2021 starts great!

Too much bad stuff happened for me this year but I can't complain because you all happened too and that made 2020 good :D


Walter Seeker

I'm sorry for your loss.

Messenger Of Sound

I truly hope things will get better for you in 2021, I’m sorry for everything that has happened to you.


Hey man I’m really sorry to hear that bro and I have gone through problems as well but just know that to never give up and if you need help we are here to help


Hey, sorry to hear about the bad things that happened. Don't worry there are plenty of fish in the sea. I'm positive you will find another one just as good and beautiful. We are here for you my friend. Don't give up.


Sorry once again for your loss fam. Keep your chin up. There is plenty of women out there. Do not give up hope. It part of life. Remember to keep smiling and be yourself and someone will come!


Well I hope that you're are okay and its good to know that you looking at the bright side of things I. And I hope you can find someone new and I hope you stay happy


Man that's rough. But not giving up on us and on doing what you like shows that you're strong, i see lots of people giving up everything after they experience something like you did. Don't be like them and never give up , we're here for you and we all love your mods. Thanks for opening up to us about personal stuff , that's really kind and we appreciate it. Keep up the good work man and stay strong.


wish you the best TvT will continue to support in anyway i can.

Enigme Ali

you're the best xv2 modder of all time and we re here for you bro :]]

Enigme Ali

pls, pls i wish you could make more of those thick female mods they're amazing


Aw I feel so bad for you! What a shit time for someone to do something like that. Remember though, you come first, so you can always take a break from modding whenever you feel like it! And anyway, ofc we're here! You're amazing, and I think we'll all be happy to stick around.