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I wanted to followup with last months update and progress. I am feeling much more confident in the style change and now that life drama has settled I am happy with the direction everything is going. Thank you for the support everyone. I know its been a big change but I am slowly finding whats right for me.

So with that I have been preparing for next month and finidng my stride. Wanted to dicuss with yall a change-

Now that the daily sketches are becoming full scenes and such it takes a lot of time but i am really enjoying it. So to help balance it out, so I can deliver that quality while still keeping up on commissions and projects would yall be okay with it adjusted to every other day? Still plenty per month but opens me more time



Your every other day schedule was an incredible amount of content, more than anyone else I'm a patron of. I totally understand the need to back off a bit.


Looking after yourself comes first. Figure out what works best for you. If you enjoy creating and sharing content you will always have an audience.