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Just giving a followup update, like I announced on the discord I will be gone from the 18th till sometime the following week for a medical trip. I will be using downtime there to keep up all I can here, but I will also be prioritizing the patreon exclusive backlog for this month's and last on the two big renders. Last months was still half done and I got some fun ideas for this month's. Other than that I will try to get the rest of the commission listings ready and get that going again for everyone, as well as do any commissions I can in any remaining time I have available. Once im back il crack down fully on commission focus. But the backlog there and getting all of the perks caught up is my priority in that gap. All in all we are making great time and pacing is going so much better than before!

Wanted to also say thank you to everyone for being so awesome and supportive over these last few months. The emotional stress was really slowing me down and making it difficult but things are really turning around and the amazingly kind and understanding support has really helped me get back on track. ^^



Good luck!