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I wanted to follow up on what I started months ago when I made my first wave of changes to better improve everything. On the patreon side of things I am feeling real good about how things are going and the new commissions method has been working well. The main thing I wanted to talk about though is that as I mentioned back then I have been trying everything I can in many different forms of art, trying to find myself after so many years blindly panicking in the abusive conditions. I have been feeling out what art brings me joy, what processes I enjoy, and what things are making me simply put, miserable, to keep fighting. I have rather happily been making a few big epiphanies in these last weeks and realized its time to accept what I have been doing is not making me happy, but I have been finding methods that have, and I am excited to pursue that and sculpt a style and career direction that makes me happy to do so that I can create more, better, and spirited things for all of you. I am hopeful yall will enjoy it as well.

Sadly with that I will no longer be offering painted style renders, the stress it has been putting on me has been a weight for so long that I need to make a happier and better change as I pursue this new direction.  My content will not be changing of-course, still plenty of porn and furry antics, feral, and fetish, mixed all over but I will be simplifying the execution and finding a fun middle to keep and pursue.  This will not change current commissions unless requested, but all future work will be transitioned to a new happier flow. I am sorry to those who are here for my painting attempts and studies, but it is time to make a change for happier styles that can let me share my creations with much more eagerness and fun! I want to thank everyone again for the opportunity to learn and grow as an artist, this last year has seen a lot of realizations about myself and a more clear drive to pursue better paths. I hope yall will enjoy my works even more when they are backed up by enthusiasm to be doing it!


Skan Drake

Happy artist make good work! Burning yourself pushing through work you actively dislike will just hurt you in the long run. Congrats of making these realizations before things got too bad, I hope the new mindset brings you happiness!


It really does, its been badly affecting my mental health lately so I need to finnaly make a change


Doing stuff that you don't feel engaged with, particularly to the point of burnout, is never worth it - you'll do way better work when you're being curious and exploring! I actually didn't realize you were offering paid work - I was mostly here for the random sketches. The more you know!


I appreciate the support and undersanding mate and yep, I mostly get by on commissions which I do on commiss these days, my TOS link on the profile has all that info ^^