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I had my vaccine yesterday and was expecting some fatigue but otherwise stick to the plan but lucky me im one of the people whos body is very very unhappy woth it. I am really sorry everyone for the lack of art yesterday but I am experiencing pretty severe spinal pain and every joint feels on fire. Been rather bedbound and cannot work like this. Il make up the deficit soon as the pain subsides and still very eager to push forward with new studies and progress like I noted recently. Its a great time to finally take these important steps for my happiness and bring yall better quality content. Body just said to wait a few more days I guess x.x

Its not a entire loss though as the creative spark is unharmed so since all i can easily do is sit here and text a little I have been documenting ideas I want to draw and refining the thoughts ahead of time. Which I posted some to the patreon discord already for possible feedback. Hopefully though this wont last much longer and we can finally get to some good times. Im fired up still just in a looooot of pain x.x



Yup. My shot knocked me on my ass too. It happens, just sleep it off as much as possible and hope that tomorrow or the next day will be better. Take care!


It’s crazy how much it made my neck, shoulders, spine hurt like I was in a car crash or something. And there was like a week delay for some of it too.


Right? I was expecting fatigue and such not my spine trying to rip itself from my body by every joint x.x