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The votes are in for the March 2024 Patreon Poll

Gonna get to work on prep and refinement for yall but since there was I tie I figure I will do all of them for another bonus one this month!

As some of the YCH pieces won, if you want to be the lucky one having fun feel free to toss your name here alongside what ones you want to be drawn for, be it just one or all.

as usual, the only rule is the character must fit that tos, anything else is viable and the piece can be adjusted to account for it!

So the winning ych pieces will be drawn in a few days so toss your name in the hat here and I will get to it! ^^

The YCH in question for is #7 and #8

March 2024 Patreon Sketch Page: Neglected Fun!



I'm happy to place my name in for both!