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Happy new year friends! Yes ENF Sandbox is not dead, I had time over the holidays to work on the project a bit more and I was able to put out a small free update!

I hope you enjoy!

What's new:

  • Water gun that sprays a clothing dissolving solution
  • Reworked the phone to be a part of your inventory (previously a hotkey toggled it)
  • Added a system for equipping items into the hands of the player, right click the water gun or phone to equip or unequip them!
  • Reworked the UI being off-screen or weirdly placed on different aspect ratios
  • Fixed the UI overlapping on the menus making it hard to read, should be much better now

Download it for windows here: https://mega.nz/file/lEMz2ARA#6_AfeSZuCceo4BN0nUZmZxLXlYPca95RUlpuekVXGkU 

To prematurely answer some questions:

Where is the mac build? 

It didn't seem like anyone used it or if they did, they ran into issues because it wasn't an apple approved app, which I can't do without a mac. So I won't be putting out mac builds anymore. If you want to try to run it, feel free to send me a message and I can try generating one.

Why is the file size so much bigger than previous builds?

I switched to using addressables with UMA and it pulled in all of the UMA files in the entire project (mostly example models), and I couldn't figure out how to build without them after a few hours of digging. I'll find a solution for this eventually but I'm already a few days past when I wanted to get this build out so I'm putting it out as is.

What's going to be in the next versions?

I'd like to focus on two main things in the coming versions:

  • Integrating the character customizer into the main sandbox game
  • Creating a scenario builder to help facilitate creating a story or narrative or scenario

The character customizer is a long time coming and the scenario builder is a major part of the foundation of the game. There's a ton of great ENF ideas and situations that would take a lifetime to program by hand, but if I can create easy to use tools to create them it would allow me to pump out content much faster, and it would even allow anyone to create their own and possibly share them as well.

When is the next version going to be released?

Impossible to say, but I am slow :) so thank you for your patience.



New discord link?