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First off, a big thank you to everyone that has shown their support! 

Upcoming before the end of the month I plan to release a vertical slice of the game. This will be a very bare bones proof-of-concept of the game to garner feedback and provide the Half-Naked Patreon tier supporters with a small taste of what's in store for the future.

I will include a build for Windows and MacOS. Unfortunately I do not have the hardware to verify the MacOS build so I cannot guarantee it will work at this time.

To facilitate feedback I have integrated discord with patreon, so all supporters are welcome to drop by! (not sure if I setup permissions correctly so please leave a comment if it's not working).

Most of the development time has been spent on creating the systems to build on top of. To provide some insight on the progress I've also put together the state of where the game is and some of my thoughts.


  • The models and movement are working correctly
  • One scenario with locking a bicycle lock to a one-piece swimsuit works
  • Need to modularize it more so it can be applied to more areas, once that system is done adding more constraints will be faster
  • Made improvements on a rudimentary action triggering interface (see images below)


  • Animations for covering naked and walking is done 
  • One-piece swimsuit has some animations setup for attaching a lock to it and stripping it in 2 stages (straps off arms, and pulling it down/off)
  • Will need more one-piece swimsuit animations for other constraint types
  • Need to create models for a two piece swimsuit and create different constraint animations for them
  • Need to create variations of body/hair/face appearances and sizes and get clothes/animations to still fit with them
  • Much more clothing variations need to be modeled
  • Created a dress with two slight variations and animated the skirt getting pulled over their head (without face reactions)

Face Animations

  • This is in a good place right now, just a matter of integrating with the AI to make the correct face in the right situations. I'm happy with blushing, it's setup on another layer so it can be independently turned on or off regardless of their other face reactions.
  • Blinking is mostly working, some considerations need to be put in for when they're smiling so it doesn't override it.

Stages and world

  • Single instanced levels are the current initial plan with eventually a city map you can use to move between them
  • In the future, I'd like to make it a seamless open world that you can walk between and where all the girls follow their own weekly schedules.


  • Basic pathfinding is working with walking animations
  • Plan to create pathfinding/animations for girls swimming and treading water but that's lower priority
  • Far off in the future I'd like to have girls follow schedules they follow throughout each week, will need an open world before this can happen.
  • The girl reacts correctly in the current scenario with locking to one-piece swimsuit is working functionality, still needs to be modulated out to work with an overall AI


  • Basic menu functionality is working, some graphics/sound/game options work and are saved and loaded correctly.
  • Need to create editing keybinds still and game options need to more closely match the game
  • Need to be made more beautiful
  • Need a map to move between areas
  • May need save/loading, not clear to what degree persistence will occur in the game
  • Need a title screen
  • May need conversation or inventory UI implementations as well, not clear at this point



I sent you an invite but you should be able to join and get a role assigned automatically if you have discord connected to your account <a href="https://www.patreon.com/settings/account">https://www.patreon.com/settings/account</a> . If anyone has trouble just leave a comment and I'll send out a discord invite manually as soon as possible


Hmm looks like patreon/discord integration isn't working for some people, I'll leave this invite here for now: <a href="https://discord.gg/aSHTk2g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/aSHTk2g</a>