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Hi everyone, I was hoping to have finished work by now, but work is dragging on.. There's still a whole scene to create. I've really been trying my best, but there's still work left to finish. There's only 5 days left in this month, and in all honesty, it looks like work would take until the first week of May to finish. I'm so sorry, despite trying so hard, it's taking some time.

I hate this part. As a solo developer, missing deadlines is the most worrying and stressful thing. Despite best efforts, work always takes longer than expected. I'm so sorry about this. Episode 18 will be out in the first week of May. Please bear with me. I will release it in the first week of May as soon as it's completed. Thank you so much.




Drawing from my experience, I’ve found that setting deadlines involves a delicate balance between our aspirations and the practical realities. It's a fine line to tread — balancing what we'd like to achieve, with what can realistically be accomplished. While it's tempting to offer an optimistic date that we think others want to hear, I often recall the wise saying: "Better to under-promise and over-deliver than to over-promise and under-deliver" (in this case regarding a date). This principle encourages us to manage expectations judiciously, ensuring that we consistently exceed them. Undoubtedly, the motivation to meet a goal we've "promised" to someone else can be a powerful driving force. However, it's crucial to strike a balance. Too many missed deadlines can tarnish a reputation and erode trust. Hence, finding that sweet spot — where we commit realistically and deliver exceptionally — is an ongoing challenge.