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Sometimes when I am experimenting a artistic block to make my sketches with a traditional pen and paper help me a lot to make it work again

Lately I feel so bad cause I have a block with the main comic and I feel guilty feeling scared that maybe patreons don’t want to know about Marcus the city or Ravi sooo I feel very unsure about where I am taking my art and the comic

So..:: probably is a good idea let you all know how I am feeling

I want to say thabks to all the patreons that always let me comments

Thabks so much

For now meanwhile I supérate the block in the main comic I gonna be working on jasper and vincent

I know you guys love then and thanks



Wildey Wolfers

You should do what you are most inspired to do Yinller, you are the artist! And personally, either works for me. On one hand, I love Jasper and Vincent, they are my favourite couple! On the other, I'm interested in the direction the main comic is going, the city will be a totally new experience!

Spencer Drake

Looking forward to anything you want to do! I love all the characters including the new ones!