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hello guys 

hope you all are okey 

i am dealing with so much negative feelings lately but well I know i am not alone and my troubles can be stupids in comparation with other ones problems 

but well today was a good day atletas until the momment I fall in the street and hurt myself and get my pants all dirty with muddy watter 

lately i feel so lonely, sad and useless 

but I am happy i have yet the support of much people like you 

thabks so much and sorry if sometimes i disappoint you cause i can’t  draw so far like i want or don’t make enough post for you 

i am looking lately for a nice place with good vibes to work 




Take your time Feel better ❤

Alex Talbain

Hope you feel better soon. Just get some rest

Gabriel Vargas

We are here if you need to talk to someone don’t forget we care and love you!!! We all do and know the feeling of messing up our clothing . Love you!!!!♥️


Looks like you’re at least out and about. I find running water really helps me just get to a calm place in my mind. When I’m really depressed I’ll sit by a river for a few hours and just watch it flow. Don’t know if that will help you but maybe it might. Either way, wishing you the best at finding ways to manage it and Happy Thanksgiving from Canada, eh!

Laze Dybo

We all have bad days, and our mental health often amplifies the bad stuff tenfold. Take some time for yourself, surround yourself with something you like or calms you down. Take it easy and don't be afraid to talk about how you're feeling.


You seem liking StarBuks very much. 😜

Jeray Garcia

Espero que te mejores pronto hermosa


What you’re dealing with isn’t stupid at all! I also know very well just how difficult anxiety and depression can be and the struggles it causes. I’m so sorry you fell today but I’m glad you’re okay. Never feel like you’re disappointing everyone, you have a talent that many individuals including myself wish I had. :) Thank you for everything you do and never forget you have friends here that care about you. *Hugs*


I'm sorry to hear you are feeling bad. These are hard times. I hope you will feel better soon, you have lots of support here and we all wish you the best.

Julia Z.

Don’t worry! I think you’re actually quite active compared to other people I support. And I won’t stop supporting you!