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Flux Y.

I love the blushed faces as jack and maurice came in. Like damn i was about to get it on with my boyfriend guys


This is Monti's chance to make a huge impact.

Antti Tuominen

Honestly? I think it is too early to cross off Monti's brother off the reasonable people list, just because he is upset at his father he only just met dying and being left alone to deal with that. Monti did the right thing, his place was elsewhere, but that doesn't make the upset invalid or the guy unsuited for the job. Monti's family is basically food for most of the bats, the risks are really huge. Not to mention, it's not just that the people on top of the power ladder are assholes, the problem is alpha-system itself. It is a sort of hereditary oligarchy which is explicitly based on demonstration of physical force. Could an alpha revolutionize the system? Could he dismantle it from within? Would bats like Jack and Maurice trust an alpha at this point? These are not easy questions.


if it was there before I didn't notice, but I rly like the new shape of Maurice's snout. helps individualizing him more and I also just think it's a cute design^^


Wait so... Montimer will join the bats as a alpha en leave his family behind, or will he take his family with him? 🤔 I don’t fully understand where this story is going.


Also... you cant change a entire civilization of bats there mentally and attitude, it will take years to accomplish that. Will Montimer also make every bat vegetarian so no one will eat mousses? I don’t get it. 😁 lol

Jeray Garcia

si montimer se siente asi ahora mismo... porque no entiende por lo que paso su padre... no puede imaginarse lo que haria si perdiese a larry ahora mismo? seguramente el tambien se volveria loco... ojala montimer abra los ojos y haga algo tanto con oliver como con mardoqueo, aunque ya no este

Flux Y.

I think he would have to leave larry as seeing a gay alpha with a prey partner would be hard to accept right away from other bats.