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I just now realized that this is montimers father’s back story I feel silly now



Jeray Garcia

No es justo... pobre mardoqueo

Flux Y.

You didnt realize when he was called madroqueo, or when grace was shown? Lol But dont worry your not alone 90% of people on webtoons are like that

Flux Y.

He killed the owl to get revenge for grace, thats so awesome


In this page the story is going so fast now. You could have 1 more page or something to finish this part of the story, but thats just my opinion. 😋

Delsin CB

Se qué no es el momento .... Pero hiciste referencia a cuando la mayoría creía que Montimer era con R osea "Mortimer" XD.


I never realized until just now, that thing Mardoqueo was always wearing was made out of owl feathers wasn't it? Wow. Also, I see what you did there with Grace and Mardoqueo's exchange about Monti's name. xD


Ah, so Oliver and Montimer are twins, that’s very interesting. And I’ve always wanted to know where those feathers came from Mardoqueo always wore. Now I know, :)


Omg Backstories are so tragic 😥 everything adds up now


I have a lot of different feeling right now. 😮😭 Even if I known, what happened.

Inu Makochi

Oh I get it. He wasn't just in love with her. She was his world. That missing piece that made him feel complete. She was his everything, and when she died, a part of him died with her. It happened to my Dad when my mom passed. I don't think he's been the same since (I know I haven't been). Neither one of us finds all that much joy in different things anymore. I still don't approve of his treatment of Montimer, but I understand him a bit better.