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Okey this are all the pages ava for today uwu 

estas son todas las páginas de hoy 



Flux Y.

Damn im not as suprised that he died, but it sucks monti wasnt there. But why does oliver have to beat him up for it :(

Jamil Isaac Jarquin

Al fin sucedió lo inevitable. Mardoqueo ha muerto. Ahora qué hará Oliver y Montimer? Maravilloso suspenso. Maravilloso. Quiero seguir leyendo.


Oh no I really wasn't expecting this. So sad

Alex Talbain

That doesn't mean you get to beat on our sweet Monti

Jerome Hancock

Can uou blame Montimer for not being there? Montimer hates his dad for what he did.

Angel Gabriel

Maaaaasssss 👌👌👌👌👌

Jeray Garcia

....... dios .... no estaba preparado para esto tan pronto u.u , ni siquiera se puso despedir de su hijo..... mi corazon duele qwq


Like i said before, Oliver needs “Anger management” lessons. 😂 omg lol 😆 That crazy flying bat!

Antti Tuominen

Going to say: I get why Oliver is mad, but Montimer did nothing wrong. Even if Montimer had known about Mardoqueo being literally on his deathbed Montimer's place is with his own sick child. That's a lesson he's had to learn very personally.


Oh wow. I expected Mardo to eventually die, I didn't expect it would be off screen.


Oh no........ this was inevitable I feel like but happened way sooner than I thought. I wanted him and montimer to have a relationship so bad....


thank you for your hard work 😉🦊👍


Oh my.... but still, don’t fight the last family you have


I think that's a lot of the hurt here. Their father died, leaving Oliver alone *again*, not knowing if he'd be able to find Monti.


I’m still shook Jack called Larry brother. Minor detail I know but I love the found family trope that’s consumed the radius characters of this mouse/bat duo!