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I just realize a lot of people want larry be the uke in the Spanish fandom



Larry is cuter in uke


Esta difícil esa desicion por temas de apariencia queda el mejor como uke pero con personalidad montimer es mas tranquilo y se ve super lindo cuando larry lo mima <3 además desde inicios larry siempre a sido más iniciativo y activo que montimer por esas razones creo le queda mejor a montimer ser el uke y larry el seme


Ambos podrían ser versátiles


I Love this comic I thought Larry would be best


apoyo eso <3 no sería tan típico como una pareja uke y seme y ya talvez larry un poco más activo que montimer y es todo


After thousands of years of researching I still can't understand what "uke" is. Is this because I'm russian?)


Yo amo tu comic, y aun que el estereotipo mas amado es que Larry sea Uke, se que todos tus fans reales estaremos de acuerdo con lo quw tu te sientas comoda al dibujar ❤❤


Monti needs someone to take care of


I'm english and have no idea. If I had to guess I would say something to do with being dominant or submissive

Laura Castrillón

Yo personalmente amo a Mortimer como uke o que ambos sean versatiles, pero esas son mis opiniones personales. Lo importante es lo que tú desees hacer como autor.


I really like the idea of them both being switch since they both rely on each other to take a dominate role.


I have no idea, just go with the flow i guess. 🤔


I say both be switch since they are pansexual


I honestly like the show of dominance in character when Larry takes the lead in their relationship and takes control of bringing Monti pleasure- but mostly im all for the verse/switch thing because it honestly makes sense: Monti needs comfort and a grounding presence sometimes, and Larry could also refrain from penetrative sex as a whole and they could instesd focus on the other things to bring eachother pleasure.


I think it would be a nice subversion to the concept of thei relationship to not give into the "whose the woman in the relationship"


Both can be top and bottom, taking turns, but Larry should be the Dom if they get kinky.


Is this only for the Spanish fandom or what?


So first of all what does "uke" mean???

Dan Big Challenges Silva

Eh, "uke and seme" aren't something I really want out of either. Also not particularly concerned which one tops.


I voted Montie, but I feel like they would both be switches with Larry being a bit more dom and Montie being a bit more sub


For now I feel it’s perfect with Larry as the dominant role. Monti doesn’t see himself in the greatest light yet, he’s not be able to work out his inner insecurities and problems with self worth. For now anyway, Larry seems happy and content to lead Monti in his emotional journey to self love.


I don't think that has to be an identity thing personally. I like how it is in your non-canon (as of yet) artwork, with Larry often being the one on top and sometimes Monti having that role. And at the current stage of the story I agree with Cyndi's reply here, with Larry taking the lead currently as they emotionally accept their relationship and it evolves.


I think she's saying she sees that from the Spanish-speaking fandom a lot so she's asking everyone what they think.

Natalia Rodriguez

Adoro el hecho de que puedan ser versátiles, le da una dinámica muy flexible y agradable a la pareja, me agrada imaginar a Larry con el rol dominante en la mayoría de ocasiones debido a que es el pilar emocional de la relación y en cierta forma esto hace que se sienta natural cuando toma la iniciativa. Siento que el fandom latino está demasiado acostumbrado a los estereotipos brindados por la cultura oriental que adora escupir fanservice con un pequeño afeminado y un gran y fornido hombre seguro. Por mi cuenta, siento que ya estás haciendo un gran trabajo con la dinámica de estos dos ♥️


de echo muchas gracias yo se que eventualmente montimer comenzará a ser más amoroso con larry y a tener cierta clase de deseos pero solo el tiempo hará que eso pase owo solo confiaré en mi instinto