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I didn't like how I drew the last chapter so I modified it
thanks for your patience and support

I hope you like these changes




It was confusing at first, but now i understand. :-) I like the pages.

Alex Talbain

Are you gonna add the sex scene or is this just like a rewrite for just before that?


yeah the sex one is next just i need more time to work in that


I really like the new pages! Great work

Jerome Hancock

No matter how much you change and add stuff to the story I will always enjoy it. I'm not obsessed with the sex scenes like everyone else. That is just a bonus and it doesn't change my outlook on the story. I still have so many questions for this story.


oh tell me the questions

少郁 何

I thought this was a different story style than the regular version and R18 version. I like the new page ~ more expressions and emotions to express the character's psychology.


I like a lot of the pages that were added, especially small details like the lighting implying the passage of time, a few extra conversations between characters. Just little things like Monti asking Debora to watch the kids longer or Monti explaining why he said "Not again" add a lot in various small ways to make it feel less rushed and jumping from scene to scene. Like the original was kind of the back bone of the story movement but the pages added in a way are like supports that make that more sturdy. Good choice to go back and add them.


KEEP IT! GIVE ME MORE FEELS I liked the R18 ver but... I like this one more! Due to expression I need my tears to come out first then the Thrills! we building up dynamic! I like!


I didn't noticed but I saw a small error with monti hand. not sure if anyone noticed that.


upps you’re right 😅😅