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[6/28 Edit: Added a cum version]

With Juno squeezing his ass and pressing her half-naked body to his, her boyfriend dozing less than 5 feet away, Jack wasn't sure why he didn't speak up. Did Legoshi put her up to this? Was she acting alone? Instead, Jack pretended like this intimate solicitation didn't phase him at all, as he continued to pilot his game character towards the next objective. Meanwhile, his erect cock strained within his pants, screaming at him to get with the program.

Finally his distraction became too much to bear, as he gave up the pretense of being focused on the game. His character stayed in place, as he took a shaky breath. Juno's smile widened, taking his pause in play as a chance to nuzzle into his neck, taking provocative little nips, causing Jack to gasp. He placed his handheld aside, giving her silent permission to do as she pleased. While he wasn't exactly protesting, he could at least tell Legoshi that he didn't lead her on at all, just in case she was coming onto him without permission.

And onward she went, skillfully undoing the front of his pants, and fishing his cock and balls out of his underwear, having clearly done this maneuver many times. As his cock swung and bobbed in the open air, she shifted her position, placing her large wolf hand with firm but tender intention on his balls, pressing them back against his crotch while she lifted his shirt up with her other hand. All the while she continued to kiss and nip at his neck, heavy breasts draping down against his shaft, promising more of her softness.

Jack could easily imagine this was an elaborate tease, and that it couldn't go much further than this. But he voiced no protestations as she played with him, taking her time as her hand groped at his equipment. He would let her take this as far as she wanted.




He definitely deserves some fun😊


Get some jack


Yeeeah. Get you some! Don't back down now!


Legoshi needs to wake up and assert his dominance


Is Juno planning on fingering Jack's tailhole while giving him a bj?




Might sound weird, but I've always loved how you render areola??? It the chef's kiss on each breast you draw perfectly! <3


I'll be honest, as hot as this is, Jack's expression is just fucking adorable. Like, unironically, this is really cute.

pj wolf

the story makes this at least five times hotter


Surrendering to the moment.


Right?! Having the story and set up that goes with the pic makes these pic sets feel so much more fleshed out. I love them so much


My team of areola scientists work around the clock! Thank you!


Nnf, that neck bite, though. I'd absolutely melt.

Admiral Casual

It's just logical. The needs of the cum outweigh the needs of the many.

Kenny Morgan

Mm add all the cummies


My boy Jack just couldn't hold it in. Hope he is ready for what comes next.


Ooh good! A good reward for a good boy. It was about time, thanks Meesh 😍


Jack is now a happy boy.

Shadow Drake

So glad to see poor Jack having some company there, here is hoping it gets more lewd ;)