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Tactical retreat!




Why can I only give one heart? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Shit dude why ya gotta make Travis so hot


Not the shimmy

Lee Loving

Hypnotized by the booty.


No and then!

Conner Wilson

Honestly.... The timing is kinda comedic gold lmao


feel like im about to get the worst blue balls of my life


I love Travis so much he is definitely my favorite character


This makes me happy to see!


Remember kids, lube is your friend.


What I absolutely love about this comic is how the little bits of awkwardness just make this feel so real, like yep, I've been there and know that feeling. It's incredibly hot, but also incredibly sweet and adorable. Thank you.

pj wolf

...Oh, I see now. He wanted to finger a pussy, but found balls instead. Not homophobic, just not something he's used to! ...now how hard is Travis, I wonder


*dead* <3


Oooo taking things to the bedroom 👀

Random Gonta

Joe's faces are so good in these pages, also Travis ass shots are something else

kai wolfheart

Joe getting that gay crash course, fingering a guy is different from a woman.


Tactical retreat? I'd say that was more of a strategic advance.... there's no pressure on Joe, but by fetching the lube Travis has greatly expanded the possibilites.

Ed Haynes

Joe's going to follow Travis into the bedroom, isn't he?

The Unaccomplished Writer

That seat of his hips and gently guiding Joe onto how to have good sex. Love, love, love this!

Zian Panda

Time to take Joe to Pound Town. 😏🍆🍑☺🐼

Zylvan Celestion

That cheek rubbing on that right side panel, that was a stroke of genius and artistry. It screams “this isn’t just porn, this is a goddamned sensual story and these guys aren’t just gonna bang, they’re really enjoying each other.” That to me is some next level epic grade story design.


Considering he is getting sucked off - Pretty hard..


Joe's fingers ran away. When ball sack encountered near his grip 'Tis not a woman' he did quip His digits made a vertical shift Across the fur he did shift Until the Anus he.. did encounter Bit of tomfoolery re Monty Python and Sir Robin :)

Colby R.

The scene when Joe has one eye open, obvious blush and a is feeling Travis probe around back there,.pure pornographic gold! Can't wait to finally see them make love. Joe has been getting fucked for a while by the ursian asshole for a whole now, but him and Travis can actually be intimate and make love!


Lmfao read this chapter and imedietly fucked my girl 😜😘 this series is too 🔥 🔥 to turn down


lmao love joe retreating to slightly more familiar territory, only for travis to up the ante once again


"Oh, my tail's swinging, maybe I'm in love..." x3


FritzTheWolf, you can say that again!


Love love LOVE the proceedings, Meesh: it’s storytelling gold, and not porn but real life. Eagerly awaiting what comes next! Just one small request: when these guys actually indulge full-on lovemaking, can they please GET NAKED? We haven’t seen them nude since the shower scene in Little Buddy. That was years ago; and your artistic technique has so greatly improved since then that I’d love to see how you would render their awesome furry bodies now. Also, I think it would be a great way of showing that this isn’t some furtive, partially-clothed experience like Trav or Joe have had throughout this series. Years and dozens of pages later, this scene is a huge step in the way these two see themselves and each other. Regardless of what they actually do, happy to see them really ENJOY each other, clad only in their magnificent fur. Just a suggestion…thanks for all you do with this outstanding series!👍🏽


Sorry…forgot that Travis and Dennis are naked on the VERY FIRST PAGE of Passing Love! 🙄 I guess I’ve been so used to seeing these guys with a shirt on during sex I blanked it out…


Yeees he finally went for it


Could always try rimming~