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Uncropped version down below! 

Emma was learning more and more about normal behavior for earthlings. After her grand reveal to her boyfriend Sam that she originally came from outer space and could shift into a wide variety of shapes (right before a blowjob, no less), she got an impassioned plea from him to never do that sort of thing while his penis was out again. She pouted at that, stating she had full confidence of the control of her pointier appendages. Sam said it was perfectly reasonable to be fearful of lethal objects that moved faster than he could see, and she agreed to try and keep it under control.

However, she was still relatively new to her cat form, and maintaining a form other than her natural alien state in general. She had settled on trying to live among earthlings as one of their own kind, but when excited, she would sometimes slip out of her disguise, just long enough to give Sam a small heart attack.

One amorous evening, Sam was in a teasing mood, pausing in his pistoning and kissing the tip of his cock against her (perfectly normal looking!) pussy.

"Oooh, fuck... God, you're so pretty down here... you want more, baby?"

Emma writhed on the bed, gyrating her hips and looking back at him. "Unh! Yes, yes I do, put it back in! C'mooon, it feels too goooood..."

Sam smirked, playing into the role. "I dunno, baby... you're gonna have to beg me harder than that..."

Suddenly, Sam was looking directly at her face, despite the position being doggystyle.


Sam didn't move, but it got put back in.


Don't worry, Sam is fine! His penis is still attached to his body. But he had to give Emma another lecture.

Happy October!



Dhaka Yeena

.....I’m at a loss it’s beautiful and horrifying at the same time...


NICE 😍👽👌


Brave boy to make smoosh with a taxxon like that.


gots to see it through my boy


Glad to hear all parties involved are happy in the end lol

pj wolf

...Well, he keeps going in the relationship, so I guess he's very brave.

Viro Veteruscy

Would love to see her true form >w>

High-bi password

You know what would be really scary, is an alien girl who can turn her bits into any kind of monster dick her girlfriend can imagine (or circle in a monster dick dildo catalogue…). Bonus points if she calls it her “lower horn” for Futurama reasons. I frickin love how you stylized her lower teeth anatomy to match the grabby action, we don’t normally get to see you bend the rules of anatomy like that!


……. What is her True Form? I’m getting major “The Thing” vibes…….


Well now I'm curious as to where she came from and why is she here? And why did she decide to stay? And a billion other questions....LOL


Words cannot describe how hard does this make 11/10


I would love to see a comic about her! Please make her an option for the next comic poll!

Diego P

I love this to death! I have the stupidest smile on my face!


A comic with her would be awesome!


I'm scared but horny at the same time, why?


I feel like this carries the same risk of putting the Johnson in raw chicken in the fact you might be in very severe pain the next day


Sam is one lucky, haunted boi xD


Illutration of this natural form of Emma?


Sam's got a pretty penis

AquaWolfX 87

If I keep telling myself it’s a symbiote kind of alien, it’s okay. If it’s “the Thing”, well it’s already too late and I’m a part of the system now. Great Halloween art!


I envy this guy. I mean, in bed can be terrifying and/or mind-blowing, but she'll never ever be boring.


It's why I love October! Great excuse to do some wild stuff. Glad you like it!


I'll try and flesh her out a bit so that I can add her to the poll! 👍


Aww, kind of sad to see that Sam isn’t more into the alien transformation thing! Maybe he’ll come around. Haha! Your art never ceases to amaze! ^^


GOOD FUCKING GOD NO. also, is she supposed to be like a parasyte alien, or a the thing alien? they're both very similar. the earlier post with her head breaking up was very parasyte, but a dog snout is very the thing.


love this character so much hopefully we keep seeing her