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Hi-res for my grand Platineers! Enjoy!




The butterflies right now, hoooo-lordy

Max Freeman

Relax Joe, this is what you wanted, your dick doesn't lie, and Travis is giving it to you so take it as a grand reward

Fen Longpaw

Mmff. This is a good page. This is a very good page

I Dare Korval

Dog meat boner. Be gentle with Joe now, this is his first time. I think Dennis has now been replaced, I wonder how he'll take it?


Travis' startled yet very pleasantly surprised blush face is perfect

I Dare Korval

Just a thought, you should add little hearts in Travis's eyes in that fifth panel. The rest of his face sure seems to suggest that's how he's feeling.


ooooh my gosh. The "glide". Thats the first time we've seen Joe with it slid down


Joe does have a really great cock, I find myself a little jealous of Travis right now ... happy for him, though! I don't doubt that Joe will be much better for him than Dennis.


😏🤤 I've been waiting for this moment


Praise be to Meesh, Father of the Furry Cock. I would say all rise but Im pretty sure Joe's got that covered for us. Ace job on this comic, lovin it

Eric Avila

i have to say it, that Flirty "Hi <3" and the expression he makes got me, i love that line so much!


That last panel... Joe's face... don't get cold bal-- feet! Don't get cold feet, Joe!


inB4 Internet Psychologists try to say this is becoming Non-Con.


Travis' face in the first panel <333


Technically this is his second time getting handled by a dude, but he's still getting used to it!


Joe doesn't know what a compliment that expression is!