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Ohhh boy. You asked for it. You want big files? I got a truckload of 'em. Open your eyeballs extra wide, here they come! All of the pages of Passing Love 2 up to date, as well as the December illustrations, but in big mode. Plus all of the WIP images for everything, because you deserve it.

Thank you so very much for not only being a patron, but picking the Platinum Tier! Many times throughout 2020 I took a look around me and realized how lucky I am to be working my dream job, which has the enviable perk of allowing me to work from home. This was only made possible by all you fine folks who have provided your generous support. Thank you again, and I'll keep on working to make it up to you with the sexy content. 

Cheers, and may your 2021 be healthy, happy and horny!



We love you man; I'm glad I can support. Keep up the amazing work.