Sketches: Heads, Butts and Boys (Patreon)
The two lads on the left were an idea I had for another light-hearted Christmas illustration starring Taylor and Chase. I didn't have a canonical idea in mind for the pose, just something in the pinup style. I didn't end up going for it, but it could still become a finished illustration down the road.
To the right was me practicing heads; specifically the far eye. There is something about the far eye (that is, the eye furthest away from the viewer) where its form doesn't come easily to me. If I ever get it right, it feels out of luck rather than skill. I feel one step closer to getting it right on the first try, but there is still practice to be done.
To explain the final spread of sketches... I wanted to sketch something one night but couldn't think of anything. So I drew butts and a pussy. They're a reliable fallback!