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Quick update to say I’m in Colorado visiting my girlfriend for the weekend! Comic work will continue on Tuesday.

Thank you for your patience!




Aw lucky! I'm from Colorado~! I used to live there before moving to Kentucky... :/ I miss it out there but it's so damn expensive! I'm hoping to move out there with a couple of friends next summer~


Girlfriend? I thought you was gay... jk XD

Tio Takurua

You should 'Luis' her!

Ryan Prymak

Try to get up in the mountains!! The leaves are beautiful up there at this time of year.


Have fun, and what a cute sketch :D

pj wolf

Picture unrelated, but lookin' super cute!

Nicnak (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 12:04:27 Have a wonderful time! (I absolutely adore this sketch <3)
2019-10-20 20:55:20 Have a wonderful time! (I absolutely adore this sketch <3)

Have a wonderful time! (I absolutely adore this sketch <3)