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What's a first day at work without a little faux pas?




Well....that was either an amazing or preeeetty awkward (and for this workplace that's saying something! XD) first impression haha Also DAMN you made her butt in that last panel SO GOOD <333

kai wolfheart

She was so loud, it stopped the dog humping the raccoon, and the tiger, dont know what he's gasping at (the huge mess on the floor, or the straight sex?). Its always fun to see your work and the tiny details you put into it. 😊

Diego P

good point, I wonder if there's gay people in that office


"Ugh, Luis is making 'em scream again..." Vanessa's butt is too good to not make a return!

Sync Diaz

Can I just give Luis a big hug, if he cool getting hugs from other guys? The character develop that adorable face <3 he growing to be my new favorite lion character

Supreme Overlord Llama

Hahahah, Pig lady does not seem to mind. Vanessa also has nice rump :3


Is that some gay sex I see in the background?

Elated Megalodon

i still love the fact that there's just one guy in the corner who has the gall to be shock doggin' this woman while he is INSIDE SOMEBODY.

pj wolf

You didn't have to include all the little details (particularly the pig lady with the knowing grin and the dog *shagging someone*, the hypocrite) but thank you for doing so because they make a great comic better.


Bruh let's talk bout the real mvp, my man in the back that recorded everything and probably gonna put in the company's chat


The details are some of the most fun to make :) Glad you like them!


Best comic ever


Love it


Sigh... I hope Luis is at Least Bi...

Kenno Arkkan

lmao the beagle in the back like "Geez, catlady. Can't you see we're WORKING in here?" xD

Drake Arlin

Amazing comic dude!


Please don’t tell me this the last of this comic


But orgy!


You should do like an epilogue where it's just various people she "gets to know". Like "me and Doug grew up in the same area in town so we get along well" or "me and Judy became fast friends" and it's just a four way xD

Pony Stark

Even Zoe there in the corner's being quiet? And I question the men there if they're not all erect and in line for Vanessa...


Totally reminds me of Job of a Service Committee Member where she has to be quiet while being fucked in class.


What a wild ride this has been... Figuratively that is


This german shepherd is so hot... You should include more of them in your future work I think because you do it so well ! Amazing work as always ! :D


This should end in an orgy.