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I am pleased to announce that I'm finally ready to show off my print shop! https://gumroad.com/meeshprints 

Before I start advertising these across twitter and FA and the like, I wanted to show you guys first in order to give y'all a chance to peruse the shop before anyone else!  

Getting this going has been a huge learning experience. Turns out there is a whole lot of prep one has to do in order to open a print shop from scratch. From securing a PO box, to sorting out shipping costs, settling on the proper packaging... and glamour photos, of course.

I'm doing waves of prints, starting with some of my earlier works from 2016. Each of these prints will have it's own run of 50, with all of them hand-numbered and signed by myself.

I'm very proud of how the prints have come out, and whether I sell 100 prints or 5 prints, I've had fun making it happen!

EDIT: My friend made this immediately after my post and it sums it up pretty well:




A conversation piece for the living room!


I can't wait!


They're so beautiful!


Me reading this but not really in email: And nothing says “I love you mom” more than a gift of a cute Disney fox’s butt for mother’s day.


Are there any possible legal actions that can be taken by Apple for you using their name and logo in your work that you'll be making money off of? I don't want you to get into any legal trouble!


I've seen people make products with the likeness of old Apple computers before, like enamel pins, stickers and the like. I think the only thing that could possibly happen is that I get hit with a cease and desist and I'd have to take the print down. But the chance of that happening is extremely low, in my opinion.


Already bought one!


I bought some any plans for anymore Business Casual pictures or Renamon print?


Got that Macintosh print.

Runic Vale

Easily the best purchase of 2019, I can already feel it!


(goonjee here) cant wait to purchase 100 of them!


Love it, picked one up!


Thanks for the generous order!! The rest of the Business Casual series will become prints eventually. As for Renamon, never say never :)


Any plans for Chelsea & Lacey print? That would be awesome Meesh.

Giza White Mage

"Open the gate a little!" Haha, that's brilliant! Well done. :-)


The Patreon pics I've done starring Chelsea and Lacey will also be made into prints!


I’d buy Empty Head, but I’d get in so much trouble...😅