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As it sometimes happens, I didn't have a super clear idea of what the next illustration should be, so I got to sketching random ideas. I thought I'd draw a doe, and drew a couple of situations for her. The image above is my favorite so far: depicting a happy-go-lucky, either completely oblivious as to how sexy she is, or very self-aware and loving all the male attention that comes her way.

Another idea:

Her happily inbetween two horses, who are pawing at her and discovering (to their delight) that she is wearing no undergarments at all. I was including a hypnosis angle to it, before I had really nailed down who I wanted this girl to be...

Lastly, a more laid-back piece:

I referenced this pose off of a porn gif that I found on tumblr (RIP). I really liked the posing, but something was throwing me off of it. I think I was really in a breasts-drawing mood and this didn't have an opportunity for that. Maybe it can be finished later? I was reminded by my girlfriend that female deer don't have horns, so disregard that lil bit.

Enjoy the sketches!




Woah, huge fan! I also gotta say that my favorite is her hole and his dick all leaky after... Love it in any picture you do! Anyways, hope to see more of this deer female as well!


Love her!!


damn it all 3 ideas are amazing....


I really like the second picture.


Your favorite is mine too!


Female deer can have antlers if you want them to, it's your world!


Go for it Meesh👌❤ especially those horses lol😄


Loving number 1 and 2. Always thrilled to see more female pieces from you!


Awesome work Meesh. I hope we see her more often.


Wow she looks great Meesh really loving her smile 😉


What a cutie! I'd also love to see you do a female raccoon OC if ever possible. I love all your characters. Hope to see more of her in the future. <3


I would love to see doe get double stuffed by two studs. She quite lovely OC Meesh hope to see more even a female hyena or a female cheetah.


I really hope you do more with her. Busty deer are really good.


Your favorite idea is my favorite idea.


Doe booty is best booty!


Doe gal! She looks amazing, and a lot of fun <3

Richard Awesome

A doe series would be pretty great!


Number two with the horsies <3


Sweet character design, and good boobage to boot ^^


Number 1 looks perfect!


Some hypnosis would be cool :)


What’s her name? Hoping to see her own comic, you always make the best story’s. Love how you draw deer especially this one❤️


I. Love her. <3

pj wolf

The first scenario sounds... interesting. And kinda... enticing, story-wise.


I love the second picture combined with the personality traits you describe for the first. Oblivious to how sexy she is and just happy for the attention of the handsome stallions.


Though just a sketch for now, I know I already would like to see more of her!

Renaissance Wolf

I love the one with the two stallions


Big fan, especially of the bar creampie one. Love how they're both leaking.