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Hey all,

You've probably heard all about it by now, but Patreon did some new stuff with credit card processing that caused a lot of pledges to be declined, as the origination of the charge is deemed suspicious by many credit card companies. 

I THINK this is because their new processor is based out of the UK, and US credit cards don't like getting a charge from out of the country out of nowhere. Those paying via Paypal seem to be unaffected.

If you can see this, and you pledge using a credit card, I urge you to double check that your payments haven't been declined! If so, you can contact your banks or CC companies to let them know the charge was authorized by you, and to OK charges originating from this specific company in the future. Alternatively, you can switch to a different payment method and re-try the charge.

I lost about 350 patrons overnight, and a lot of my artist colleagues are feeling similar punches to the gut, so please bear with us as we've been raising awareness across twitter, tumblr, etc. 

Thanks a bunch!


Omi and Lucas

I called my credit card companies and they said there were no issues, and didn't know why it was still being declined. I've tried changing my payment method 3 times, and it still won't go through :( I suspect some of us will have to wait while this cools down and Patreon figures out their shit, and hopefully they give us all a chance to still make our pledges for the month!


I mean for me it's because I lost money in my account lol. But once I'm back on my feet I'll definitely keep supporting my favorite artist.


Geez...I use PayPal, luckily, but why is Patreon just doing things without making sure it's okay first lately?


I appreciate that! There is always a dip in pledges during the beginning of the month, but this level of drop-off is egregious and definitely an anomaly.


I can't tell if it's a relief or irritating that this might just be an internal Patreon screw-up, lol.


I can only surmise that they make changes that they think will go off without a hitch... and then stuff like this happens. No reason to warn if you're confident things will go smoothly. But I don't work in their offices, so can't be sure.


350 patrons lost, wow, well (terminator voice) they will be back

Star Ringer

Tell people to switch their pledges to Paypal if they can! Even though I told my bank I authorized the transaction, it still bounced when I retried my pledges. I transferred them over to use Paypal (which is surprisingly easy to do) and everything went through just fine.


PayPal does not seem to have problems with this xP


Yup same here. Patreon should make people use it so things like this dont happen again


I transferred all my pledges to my PayPal account and all is good in the hood


Yup use PayPal, my pledge got through with no mayor problem.

Tio Takurua

Strange; mine is paid through my credit card but all appears to be in the clear. Guess I'm lucky.

Justin Cardinal Schubert

I got charged I payed out $256.00CND in Patreon Donations. this quarter

Renaissance Wolf

Patreon has certainly caused some confusion. Had to call my credit company and them I approve of giving money to furry artists lol

Richard Awesome

I was wondering why it got declined. I switched it to Paypal to avoid future issues. Thanks for the heads up!


I was fortunate, my bank didn't decline the transaction, merely put a hold on it until I gave the yea or nay, so I seem to be full up on my pledges this month. But yeah what a pain in the butt.

Teaf Sochi

That was insanely frustrating. I lost access to debit card entirely while I discovered my credit union has 3 tiers of support. Whatever, we got through it. You're lucky I like porn lmao. Stupid Patreon.


I am supremely lucky people like my porn enough to pay for it, 100%. I appreciate the support <3


I’m surprised BOA didn’t flip out on me when that happened xD all good here and thanks for the heads up!

ryan lewis

ok now it is out. i have been having trouble pledging and now I now why


It seems that even though I received an email from Patreon about the processing issue, the processing took place anyway as my receipt about the August payment indicates so.


Yeah I got a weird email that my card was declined, but immediately switched things to paypal and that seems to be doing fine


I got a call from my bank, asking if they should carry out the invoice and I told 'em that everything should be proceeded as expected.


Happened to me but I got some alerts and reapproved it. C'mon Patreon get it together