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I took a day off after completing the last illustration after working overtime a couple days straight. But then I had forgotten that I had Father's Day activities scheduled for the 17th and 18th... so one day off sort of turned into three. 

Once I got back home I whipped up a couple thumbnails for the beginning of the next comic. I will get to work on that first page starting tomorrow, but that leaves me with only three days until I leave once again to visit Colorado. I'll do my best to finish it before then, but I'll make another update if that doesn't happen.

I like the story in this comic, I think I'm going to enjoy making it! 




Awesome! Colorado is basically the best (but I'm biased)


Watcha doing in colorado?


Visiting some friends for a few days, hope to relax a bit! (But I'll probably work anyway)


Meesh, thank you for the update. :) you're the best. But remember to rest and have fun too.