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If you are interested in learning how to make mods like I do I'm offering these packages. The classes are for 3 months. All of the things I know excluding quest will be available for you to learn via numerous tutorials cut down to give you just the knowledge you need.

You'll have my exact setup to work. We will meet on Sundays via voice to see everyone's progress. I'll answer some questions and add my feedback.

General Student (Unlimited Slots): $150

All the tutorials you need.

Suggest tutorials you want.

Weekly class progress meetings on Sundays.

Apprentice (1 Slot): $300 - This will be the last time I take on an apprentice.

All the tutorials you need.

Suggest tutorials you want.

Weekly class progress meetings on Sundays.

Hands-on classes up to 5 times a week.

Unlimited Access

Who is the apprentice role for? For those who have time and will not accept mediocrity. I am a no-bullshit teacher and your work needs to be up to my standards if you want to learn directly under me. DM if you believe this is what you want.



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