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The air in the dungeon crackled with spent mana, the metallic taste of it still clinging to the trio's tongues. Lucia, her body mended thanks to Evan's [Flesh Smith]ing, grimaced on the floor as a breeze swept through the dungeon, rustling her hair and tugging at her worn clothes. The wind, fickle and capricious, slipped through the cavernous hallways, varied from a gentle caress to a bold push. A hint of the dungeons distaste carried through the breeze at the interlopers successes.

[Feat Recognised!]

[Skill Evolution achieved!]

[Subskill: Imbue Flesh obtained!]

[Subskill: Create Flesh obtained!]

Evan, blinked in surprise at the notifications from the system. And from his position on the floor, studied the potent divine mana that surged through him in great detail. The foreign golden mana was as unyielding and strange as he remembered. He resolved to explore his new subskills, once he knew everyone was ok.

He studied his companions, himself, and their conditions.

Lucia, Markus, and Evan all sat amidst the wreckage of the dungeon. Sprawled across the rubble-strewn floor, exhaustion clinging to their bodies but victory lighting their tired faces. Their bodies, trembling and bathed in a sweaty sheen of exertion, weighed heavily against the cold stone floor of the dungeon. Except for Markus's, of course. Markus, sprawled on his back, bathed in the soft fluttering light of white flames that lined the dungeon walls, boasted into the stillness of the cavern, a wide grin stretching across his face.

"Did you see that?!" He laughed, the sound bouncing off the dungeon walls. His chest heaved with exertion, but there was an unmistakeable look of of pride in his eyes. "I knew I was the best."

Markus, his voice a cocktail of fatigue and exhilaration, continued “That was intense, huh?” His gloating filled the space, punctuated by him using his newfound subskill, [Density Domain]. He manipulated the mass of a gigantic sword, balancing it on the tip of his finger as if it were as light as a feather. The sword, a behemoth of metal, twirled with a grace that belied its size.

Much to the curiosity of Evan and Lucia. "How are you doing that?" Lucia asked, leaning closer to inspect the sword.

"Its my new subskill" Markus beamed. "[Density Domain]. The Divine System, gave it to me." He emphasised each word, drawing them out exaggeratedly as he turned from Lucia to Evan, then back again.

"Because I'm the best, obviously." He added, turning away from them with the smugness of a farmer with a free horse.

In response, Evan, nursing his own aching body, replied dryly, "Well, if we're sharing achievements, I've had two system notifications and three subskills." His words fell like rain on Markus's parade, dousing Markus' roaring fire of pride, reducing it to smouldering embers. The boastful flames in the latter's eyes momentarily dimming.

A snicker slipped past Lucia's lips, watching the interaction. The sound, light and genuine, bounced across the silent hall.

Just as they resumed their laughter, Markus, pouted and casually kicked a massive piece of rubble in dismay, sending it flying at a nearby pillar at unbelievable speed. A small portion of the pillar, sturdy and ancient, exploded under the impact, showering the area with a rain of rocks and dust.

Their laughter abruptly ceased as they watched the spectacle, their expressions shifting from amusement to surprise. The resultant shockwave had caught them off guard, Lucia and Evan both turning to gape at Markus, their eyes wide in surprise and newfound respect.

Then, among the silence and supposed peace, Evan scanned the surroundings, ever watchful for danger.

The atmosphere of the dungeon seemed to breathe with them, although at a much slower pace, he surmised. Each inhale and exhale manifesting in gusts of wind sweeping through the cavernous hallways at irregular intervals, a rhythm as unpredictable as their journey.

Adras's breath. Who was Adras? Outside of the dungeon, he had never heard of the name.

And the dungeon itself, was a beast. Its monstrous architecture of archaic pillars and murals hauntingly beautiful yet filled with strange macabre unease.

Now, with the past battles and entrance into the dungeon, Evan knew that there was death seeped into every inch of this place. It ruined the beauty for him.

His watchful gaze returned to the ancient murals depicting wars, wars fought in a bygone era. Depicting what Evan was beginning to suspect was a world war. Those remnants of a world long forgotten, tales of battles against a colossal figure, so large and omnipotent, stirred a strange suspicion within Evan.

Was it a dead god they were looking at? The notion curled in his mind like smoke, wisps of thought that danced around the edges of comprehension.

Is that what it took to kill a god? A world at war?

The idea of such power shook Evan to his core, but also left him curious, hungry for more knowledge.

"How the hell did you manage to fight three of those crazy living suits of armor?" Lucia asked, turning to Markus, shaking her head in disbelief.

Markus stretched out on the stone floor, every muscle aching. His head rested on his upturned arm as he peered through the flickering light cast by the strange, white flames illuminating their surroundings. "Well," he started, a grin spreading across his face, "it wasn't easy."

"The metal giants fought in unity," Markus began, his voice brimming with confidence. "Their precision, it was something else. Each stroke of their swords was like a gust of wind, sometimes a light breeze, and at other times, a fierce gale. Always quick. Always killing blows. You guys definitely would've died" He added with what Evan noted was a surprisingly serious expression.

He wasn't joking?

Lucia merely smirked, leaning more heavily against a pillar, her damaged clothes rustling softly, billowing out slightly when a breeze picked its way through the dungeon hallways.

"But, my prowess, you know," Markus continued, his voice growing louder, "is unmatched. I danced between their attacks, the stone beneath my feet was my stage. Easy. I was the whirlwind, the tempest, controlling my density to slip through their defences."

Evan laughed softly, his eyes twinkling, "Yeah, more like barely dodging their blows. I saw you stumble."

Markus shot Evan a mock glare, "Please. I was tired by that point, then you guys came in and cleaned up all my hard work."

Lucia let out a small chuckle, "Of course, Markus."

The tale, painted in broad strokes of daring and courage, held Lucia and Evan in a mix of awe and scepticism. Still, they couldn't deny the evident strength of their friend, forever changed by their foray into the dungeon.

A gust of wind danced through the dungeon's halls once more, stirring their locks and billowing their garments in a soundless ballet. Evans eyes lingered on the murals adorned on the walls.

Later. He would Investigate them later.

"Can't believe we made it out alive," Markus muttered, his voice lost in the dark expanse. His eyes were caught by the red gleam of Evan's gaze, eyes that once held a familiar boyish glint, now radiated an inexplicable power.

Lucia sat cross-legged, fingers prodding her thighs, her eyes wide with astonishment. "You guys…" Her voice was barely a whisper. "This isn't the cakewalk we thought it'd be." her voice carrying a note of grim resignation. The hint of fear in her eyes spoke volumes of the battle's intensity. Her fingers traced the edges of her forgotten wound, her painful reminder of her own carelessness, and the battle's brutality. She resolved to never make that mistake again. Next time, she would be ready.

Strength surged within Evan, resonating with their unspoken fear. "You're right, Lucia. We underestimated it." He confessed, his eyes returning to the murals. His senses ached at the knowledge of their task's magnitude.

"Gods, I didn't think it would be this tough," Markus agreed, breaking the silence that hung heavily between them. The cold sting of the stone floor was his grounded truth, his back leaning against an ancient pillar. Cooled sweat and fatigue still painted his face with a harsh realism. It was odd to see Markus admit anything, the two turned to face him.

Markus glanced back at Lucia, a smile now tugging at his lips. "I thought you were a goner," he teased. "You almost had me thinking you'd left us to go adventuring in the afterlife, Luci." Lucia blushed, her fingers curling into a fist in a playful retort.

She chuckled, a sound more mentally fatigued than jovial, "I almost thought the same of you, Markus."

"It was a tough fight," Evan agreed, his voice a bare whisper in the cavernous hallway. Markus grunted in agreement. Lucia, though quiet, was still visibly shaken.

Then, curiously, she raised her hand before her, and suddenly clasped it shut.

Her fingers, and palm, was a blur, closing so fast they barely saw it move. Her grip was so fierce that it created a loud snap, like a whip cutting through the air, creating a small white cloud of dust around her fist, as a rush of wind and pressure erupted from her hand, catching them all off guard and causing them to take a step back. Markus clapped his hands over his ears in surprise, while Evan had an abashed look on his face.

She gasped, her gaze darting to Evan, her face a mixture of awe and terror. "W-what did you do? What did you do to me?!" She traced her hands over her slimmer, stronger body in shock. Her gaze shifting between Evan and her hand. A shiver of uncertainty ran through her as her fingers explored her newly enhanced physique, marvelling at the sculpted lines of her form, confusion dancing across her eyes. The once petite woman now sported a body that rivalled that of an elite warrior."...what did you do?" she stammered, her tone much lower.

Evan sighed, and smiled. "That, Lucia, was a 'sonic boom'."

Evan's smile then softened, his eyes alight with admiration. At both her and his work. "Your [Iron Grip], Lucia. I made some...improvements."

"You were dying," Evan began, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the dungeon air. "I altered your bone structure and added more hinges and jaw-like bones to your hands than I can count. Essentially, I supercharged your 'Iron Grip' skill."

"I also had to repair your brain," Evan continued, looking apologetic. "I added and increased the connections and synapses. You should be able to react almost as fast as I can now."

Lucia's touch grazed her stomach, her thighs. Her body felt different. Leaner, stronger. She was both horrified and fascinated.

Evan hesitated, then added, "I... also enhanced your body, only slightly. I didn't have time." He avoided her gaze. "I made you stronger, faster. With [Flesh Smith]."

Evan then shrugged sheepishly. "Your brain had been deprived of blood and oxygen for too long. I had to change your genes, your blood... your whole body." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "I adjusted your bone structure. And," he gestured at her slim form, "I guess, gave you year's worth of training and adventuring's results. With a little extra"

Lucia twisted and turned continuing to look at her body, her gaze filled with wonder and fear. Evan continued, "Your body, your brain now needs less oxygen, less blood... while producing more. You'll probably almost never get tired, and should be able to hold your breath for hours. You're almost a new being, Lucia."

Lucia listened, her initial shock fading to fascination, he'd altered her blood and genes, her brain's synapses, even her bone structure. Her fingers caressing the sleek muscle of her thighs.

"But what about this?" Lucia gestured to her body, a mixture of awe and confusion evident on her face. "Why do I look different?"

"Some changes were consequential, others… I thought you might like." Evan shrugged. "Your skin and hair improvement were side effects. As for your lean figure… it was an unintended result of the changes I made. I added a thin layer of dragon-scale muscle fibers into your muscles. It provides a layer of protection similar to leather Armor. It probably wont do much in this dungeon, but its better than nothing."

Markus sat there, his gaze alternating between Lucia and Evan. "You can do that?"

Lucia paused, a potent mix of emotions dancing across her new features "I... I'm not sure how i feel about this... But... Thank you for saving me."

Evan merely nodded, his gaze back on the murals. Lucia still looked at her body, her hands tracing the unfamiliar contours, a slow smile creeping onto her face. "I like my new thighs," she said, her voice barely audible, her voice stilll filled with awe.

As her hands explored her newly chiselled form, Markus added with curiosity, "You look like you've been training for a lifetime, Lucia. Like Evan but without the dodgy scars."

"Hey. Keep it up and ill give you a butt for a head" Evan laughed, his red-lit eyes sparkling with mirth. "Lucia, You were bleeding out, your brain was starved. I had no choice."

"You'll do what?!" Markus exclaimed, disgusted. He turned to Lucia, "She's like... super Lucia!? A Silver Rank!?" He looked back at Evan, a challenging glint in his eyes, "Do me next!" Markus’s voice held an excited tremor. "I want wings!" The air around him vibrated and warped with each word, no doubt some strange application of his subskill. Markus paused, an angry look suddenly appearing on his face as he considered Evans last threat. "No butt stuff!" he added.

Evan and Lucia fell to the ground in hysterics.

Evan chuckled "Okay, Okay, and i was joking. You don't need wings, Markus, you seem strong enough" Evan met his gaze, then pointed to the armour scattered around them. "You already did that. But if you insist. Maybe later." Markus didn't look entirely satisfied, but nodded nonetheless.

The laughter faded, replaced by a sombre silence as Evan's gaze met Lucia's. His voice was quiet, almost a whisper. "We can turn back, you know."

But Markus shook his head, interrupting. "We've come this far, we can't turn back now."

They were quiet for a moment, the silence broken only by the soft white flickering flames of the walls and a gentle gust of wind billowing around them, almost caressing them.

Putting them at ease.

Markus stood up. "We can't go back. Not now. Not after this."

"We're in this together, then? All of us?" Evan asked. He looked at Lucia, who nodded, her expression determined.

"Yeah," she said. "We are." Lucia's voice broke the silence. "We go forward. We finish what we started."

"Alright," Evan said, a sense of resolve settling around them. "Then let's keep moving."

As the trio stood, their bodies weary yet spirits unbroken, they made their decision.

Markus nodded, his determination evident in his gaze. "Three subskills? Two notifications? I need to catch up to you, Evan. This'll be a piece of cake." His voice wavered at the last part, the lie hidden under a strained chuckle.

Evan looked at them, his glowing red eyes holding a newfound respect. "Alright then. Lets go." The wind whistled a faint melody, as if in approval.

With a shared look of conviction, they ventured deeper into the cavernous abyss of the dungeon. Peering into its abyssal depths.

And it peered back.


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