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Lucia and Markus exchanged another glance, their minds reeling from the revelation. "Why did you!- Why did you keep this a secret from us? And what’s that skill? Is that a [Demon Eye]?" Lucia aggressively questioned, her voice a strange mix between a shout and a whisper. “And how can you have more than two skills!?”

Evan inwardly derided himself. He couldn't believe he thought they might abandon him. "I was worried you guys would think I was some sort of freak." He admitted.

Lucia shook her head. "Nah, we already knew that. But seriously, Evan, this is insane. Are you sure it's not just an effect of [Postcognition]? Have you tried doing anything else with your skill? What does it do?"

Markus regarded Evan, agreeing with Lucia "That must be it. It has to be [Postcognition]'s effect on your eyes. Does it just change the color and glow while you see the past? Or can they do anything else? Is it really another skill?"

Evan felt a smirk forming, realising he would need to tell his friends about his encounter with R'Hazul and his subsequent transformations.

Evan could feel his excitement and relief building in equal measure, it was a strange shift to the unease he’d just felt seconds ago. "The skill, It's [Flesh Smith]. It means I can permanently change my flesh, or my bones, as long as I understand the changes I'm making and how they work."

“Woah” Lucia and Markus exchanged a glance. "Show us," Lucia said.

“I just did, It’s how I changed my eyes” Evan drained the colour from his eyes, returning them to normal “But, I mean, I get how you might think that's my [Postcognition]”

Evan concentrated on tapping into the core of mana in his heart, he decided to refrain from showing them the effect using his skill had on his scarred chest, as the dark scar tissue no doubt grew in size temporarily. As He felt the electric storm of mana begin to ravage its way through his being, he focused on drawing a slow pulse, and sliver of mana and directed his attention the mana to his finger.

First, he focused his control on the cells of his finger bone, using his lessons on control to manipulate the cells and trigger the growth of a new protrusion of bone. He concentrated, and shaped the bone into a ring-like structure, creating rune-like structures he’d seen on some of R’hazuls books on the exterior to give it an air of magic. Throughout the process, he kept the ring of bone connected to his finger bone, ensuring that it was connected to his main skeletal structure and was both immovable and unremovable.

This would be his cursed item. A fake, and the reason for his glowing eyes. There were plenty of people whose skills had visible effects, and he was loathe to be one of them. Evan had no interest in being easily distinguishable, but the glow in his eyes wasn’t going away. Blaming it on [Postcognition] would stir questions as to why his [Postcognition] was so different from other holders of the skill and its variants to cause such a striking physical change, and so soon after his testing day.

Next, He manipulated the cells of his skin to grow over the bone protrusion, forming a thin layer of skin that covered the entire structure. He flooded the layer of skin with chromatophores and altered its colours so the runes and emblems were shaded a dull, faded red among pale, bone white.

And finally, to ensure that His ring, the bone protrusion, remained in place and could not be removed by force, he use a concentrated burst of mana to control his musculature to attach the bone to the surrounding tissues and muscles, and thick intermittent sections of bone, creating a strong and stable connection that could not be broken.

Markus and Lucia watched as Evan closed his eyes and held a look of intense concentration, before slowly growing an eerie magical-looking ring on his finger. It looked like a [Necromancers] wet dream. “To be honest,” Evan spoke, breaking the silence “I’ve had this skill since we were little, I don't know how or why, but I did”

Lucia and Markus stared at his hand, which he now held outstretched for a long moment before finally nodding. "Okay," Markus said slowly. "We believe you."

"How is that even possible? How can you have so many?" Lucia added, her voice hushed. “And for so long? You’ve been practicing with it all this time?”

Evan shrugged. "Not really. I've been too busy trying to keep it a secret” He held his practice sword up again, inspecting his eyes through metal reflection, they were still tinted with red rings of faint light “I think my [Postcognition] and [Flesh Smith] probably caused the glow, but honestly I'm not sure”. He really wasn't. He was hoping there was some other cause, but what else could it be?

"I had a flashback, with [Postcognition] just now, another one," he said, keeping his voice steady. "It was intense, and I guess it took a lot out of me."

Evan proceeded to tell them all about his latest journey to the past. Detailing his entry to the desert and experimentation with his skills. He needed their perspectives and trusted any opinion they would have.

"What kind of entity? Was it hostile?" Markus interrupted him as he reached the point in his tale where he lost control of his skill.

Evan had no idea how to answer, he had felt a great deal of pain initially, as the mysterious being, or was it beings? took control of his arm. But he hadn’t felt any hatred, or maliciousness from It. Only curiosity. "I don't know. It was more like a presence than a physical entity. But it left me feeling drained and confused. And as far as what my skill can do-"

He paused wondering how much he really needed to tell them. Well, he’d already started, right? why stop now?

"Well…long story short, I met this guy who gave me the ability to transform my body into different shapes and sizes, maybe. I didn't try that. I’d probably have to find a way to get the mass, but it wouldn't be worth it, I think. And, uh, I might have accidentally found a way to transform into a kind of dragon hybrid."

Lucia's eyes widened in surprise. "A dragon? That's incredible!"

Markus snorted. "Yeah, if you're into that kind of thing. Personally, I prefer my body the way it is."

Evan rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the support. Anyway, I was experimenting with my transformation and I made contact with some kind of entity. And now my eyes are glowing."

Markus couldn't resist asking, "I can’t believe you were holding out on us. What else are you hiding?"

Lucia chimed in with her dismay, "It's like we don't even know you anymore, Ev"

Evan was taken aback by their reactions. He couldn't blame them though; he had concealed a significant part of himself from them. “Hey, don't be like that. You guys are still my best friends. And I promise, I won't keep any more secrets from you."

Markus cautioned him, "You better not. If we find out you have a fourth skill, we'll have to plan an intervention."

Lucia agreed, "Yeah, we'll have to sit you down and have a serious talk about trust and friendship."

Evan assured them, "Okay, okay, I get it. No more secrets. But can we at least appreciate the fact that I'm now basically a dragon-hybrid, or everything-hybrid, potentially, and that I can visit the past?"

Markus was unimpressed, “I mean, I guess. So, you can tell us what we should have done after we messed up. Not very helpful, is it?"

Markus continued after some consideration "But... getting information and experiences without consequences, though, that's something. The world would be pretty much yours while you 'time traveled.' It's like being the chosen one but without any actual power or responsibility."

“Um... Thanks?” Evan was almost certain he’d just been insulted. He was powerful! Well, as soon as he got home and re-did the changes, he would be.

He had been carrying the weight of his secrets on his own for too long. He hadn’t even told his parents, fearing they would never let him leave the house. Being able to discuss it like this, with people he trusted, felt right. He felt light, like an ache in his bones had been cured, one he’d never even known was there.

He continued his story and eventually finished with a sigh. “And that’s how I ended up getting impaled by Gideon and waking up here,” he said, gesturing to his surroundings.

Lucia’s eyes widened in shock, “What? Impaled? Are you okay?”

Evan waved a hand dismissively, trying to appear nonchalant. “Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Nowhere near as bad as the first. I didn't even feel it until I saw his hand. It was the fire that really sucked, though” I’m definitely going to have to figure out how to become fireproof, somehow he thought. “You know that feeling when you leave your fingers over a candle for too long? Well, multiply that by a thousand and you might come close to how it feels being surrounded by flames in a desert”. The sand had felt like it could have melted at any moment, and once his vision had become obscured, he’d never been sure if the beams of fire and light lancing toward him were going to hit their mark through the dust, smoke, and steam.

That had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced, but he had learned a lot from that fight.

He decided he needed to rest and assess his form. Then, he had to make some changes—permanent ones.

There was a limit to how strong flesh could be without mana, a limit which he planned to completely shatter, once he found more and more means to do so. He didn't want to look like a freak, mistaken for some horror, and hunted for wholly different reasons when he refined and repeated these changes in the present. He had to maintain the appearance of his human form as much as he was capable, and this limited the number of changes he could make. Really breaks my heart that I can't have elemental wings or even extra arms, Evan sighed, kicking a small castle both he and Markus had built out of practice swords, as Lucia ran towards the entrance of the training hall to briefly attend to her father. No doubt she would want to return as soon as possible to continue their discussion. Markus had begun asking him all sorts of things, from if he could fly, or become a giant, to if he could live forever if he learned how to reverse aging. Funny, he hadn’t even thought of that.

What else could he do? What other changes should he make? could I give my arm a brain?... No, that would be stupid, what if it tried to take over my body? But seriously though, what's next? Do I go for the legs? Maybe get some hidden blades? Sonic blades? or gills? Wait, do I really need gills? That might be a bit of a stretch. He rubbed his chin in contemplation.

I mean, sure, having the ability to breathe underwater would be a useful trick, but how would I even hide them? And do I really want to be known as the guy with fish gills on his neck? Evan shook his head, refocusing on his conversation with his friend.

"But think about it.” Markus continued “If there are other versions of ourselves out there, then there must be different outcomes for every decision we make. Every choice we make could lead to a different version of ourselves in a different dimension. Each one would have its own history, future, and version of reality, there might even be dimensions where you never existed. And what if each one has its own set of rules and realities, Darren had said his world had no skills, what if in one world, time moved in reverse, in that dimension, wouldn’t you be able to see the future?” Markus was odd at times, he rarely took things seriously, but sometimes, he would hit you with something so profound it would make you question how much you really knew him.

Evan paused in consideration “You know what? That could be true, but what's the likelihood of even meeting yourself? Esme had said there were countless worlds in every single one of her dimensions, and meeting someone you knew would be like finding a specific blade of grass in a dense forest”

The pair abruptly turned as the entrance to the hall opened once again, and Lucia returned to inform them that her father had asked her to visit one of the city’s wealth markets to collect an order for him. It was time to leave, anyway, and they had all eventually agreed a visit to the market would be a good way to wind down after training. As long as they stayed with her, there would be no problems.


The marketplace in the wealth district of the city was a grand spectacle of opulence and luxury. The sound of coins clinking and exotic beasts growling filled the air. Merchants selling artificed works of magic and technology displayed their wares in grandiose tents, adorned with gold and jewels.

As the trio wandered through the market, they noticed an unusual stillness in the air. One minute there was a gasp to the left, and the next, the people around them began standing taller, more rigid. A couple to their side suddenly fell silent. Muted whispers and halting movement replaced the bustling noise of commerce as a group of people, led by a seated man, parted the crowd. Evan had little understanding of what was happening or who had arrived, but he knew who stood before him.

The Magistrate.

There was no questioning in Evan's mind that the man before him was one of authority. The Magistrate floated above the ground on an elaborate chair made of metal and ivory, his feet suspended, hanging idly above the heads of the crowd. His medals and awards shone brightly in the evening sun, and his presence was so powerful that Evan felt the urge to kneel. It was as if a weight had come crashing down around him, forcing him to the ground with a single glance. Before he knew it, Evan found himself on his knees, with his head bowed.

From the gasps and cries he heard around him, he knew he wasn't the only one.

"All rise," the Magistrate's gravelly voice brought instant relief. Evan looked up to see him scanning through the crowd, his eyes settling on him for a brief moment. A shiver ran down his spine, and he felt paralyzed. "Good afternoon, my people."

"Why are you..." a woman to his right began to speak.

Or at least, she tried to.

He saw her gasp and choke, unable to finish her sentence.

From his chair, the Magistrate raised his hand.

"I did not give you permission to speak," his voice was like a vice, all but constricting their throats. "Citizens, I have come here for a purpose. Our children's fate has finally come; through the might of our city, we have received the gift of posterity. The gift of [Purpose]. The gift, of a Census."

As he spoke, the crowd's mana surged, and Evan felt an urge to teleport, to change his form, and to explore the history of the market. He felt a strength and ease in his skills he had never felt before, as if they only existed to be used at all times, and would work better, and be stronger than ever. Now that he had skills and was of age, he felt an irresistible desire to find his true calling, a profession that would help the city reach new heights.

"Census?" someone asked above the rest.

"Yes, Census," the Magistrate repeated.

Evan felt it then, an insidious feeling of wellness, truth, and grandeur. How could he have ever doubted the Magistrate? The recognition that something had occurred beyond his understanding, brought his mind back to R’hazul, and the way he had been controlled by him.

Evan gulped, pushing down on his growing sense of discomfort.

“The new generation, our new hope, will find their calling.” the Magistrate continued “In our city of hope and possibility, the new generation will be a beacon of strength and promise. They will find their true calling and become the foundations of our great city. Our armies will be mightier for it, our crops bountiful, and our walls stronger. And within our city walls, those who might take on the Role of Protectorate, are rare. It is a calling that only a few, every hundred years, can hear and heed, and many go through their entire lives without realising it. We hope some of your young will realise their skills and the blessings they allow, and ascend to the roles the city has destined for them. A new Protectorate has not resulted from a census for far too long"

"Protectorate?" another voice dared to ask the question. "What does that mean?"

The magistrate's eyes shifted to the speaker, filled with annoyance.

"As a ruler of this great city, I grant you the blessing of [Purpose]." The Magistrate's voice was monotone, as if he was bored with the entire proceeding. "Bear witness."

A sudden pressure built up in the air, like a tangible force that weighed heavily upon the assembled crowd. The pressure mounted, becoming almost unbearable, until it struck them all simultaneously, inside their heads.

It burned. "Incredible." The boy next to him whispered the word, as if mesmerized by the sensations that flooded his mind. He looked around and saw the same reactions on the faces of the others. There were gasps of excitement, wonder, and fear.

"The time for action is upon you, citizens." The Magistrate gestured towards his entourage, and several armoured knights moved forward. "My knights will be watching over the city, to avoid any unfortunate… incidents, over the coming week. I hope that our city and your families will be blessed as you all embrace your destinies, and those who have already found their calling will continue to do so. You are dismissed."

The words hung in the air, final and conclusive.

The armoured men closed in, bowing to their lord, and directing the people towards the archways at the edge of the market. Evan saw doors emblazoned with runes and made of gilded metal, floating above the magistrate's party. At a gesture, they opened, revealing a breath-taking vista of a foreign city skyline, with its towering pillars and majestic stone structures. A different city. The sky was filled with brilliant colours and golden flags. The people moved forward, filled with anticipation and eagerness.

But something compelled him to turn back. A strange sensation, a prickling at the nape of his neck, made him look at the magistrate one last time.

The Magistrate sat in his chair, gliding towards the doorway to another city, staring down at the people with cold disdain, as if they were nothing more than pests to be eradicated. He looked up and caught his gaze, holding it for what seemed like an eternity. Evan was rooted to the spot, unable to move or speak.

And then the Magistrate smiled, a wicked and sinister smile that sent shivers down his spine.

The Magistrate, however, seemed unfazed. 'You have been granted [Purpose], citizens,' he said, his voice booming with authority. 'The rest is up to you.'" His party left, traveling through the doorway to another land, and crossing miles upon miles in an instant, no doubt through the use of some skill. Evan wondered if his [Teleport] would ever be able to do the same.

He had been granted [Purpose], whatever that meant. But what was he supposed to do with it? What was his calling?

And what would happen during the Census?


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