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The Martial Empire stretched into infinity, a vast expanse transcending physical boundaries and dimensions. It embodied an unchallenged authority, its dominion far beyond mortal comprehension.

For It stood as a formidable realm of cultivators, masters of the divine arts.

In a galactic auditorium of this supreme Empire, two outer disciples of a hidden cult surveyed a low grade world from their ethereal perch. Their eyes, mirroring the cosmos, reflected countless worlds under the system's yoke. Worlds that were trials, playfields, and sacrificial altars for those seeking the cults’ favour.

The outer disciples, Jun Li and Mo Ye, sat in a warm wooden room of the multidimensional martial Empire, overseeing a world they'd been assigned to monitor and control.

The glow of countless galaxies reflected in their eyes as they hovered before a shifting, iridescent screen.

"See there," Jun Li pointed at a blip on the screen, "an anomaly."

Mo Ye leaned closer, his gaze narrowing on the glowing spot. A system message blinked into existence: [ALERT: Anomaly detected – Soul Damage – Skill Acquisition – Incursion Dungeon].

"First hour of the tutorial and already in an incursion dungeon. Intriguing, isn't it?" Jun Li murmured, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

Mo Ye grunted noncommittally. Their task was clear: monitor and dominate the world, distribute mana and magic, keep an eye out for anomalies, all part of the grand scheme of the empire. Magic users, mortals, all perceived as little more than ants scurrying beneath the celestial boot of the empire.

"Should we intervene?" Jun Li asked, a hint of concern colouring his tone.

The question hung in the air between them like a dense fog. Failures or faults at gaining dominion in their assigned world might cost them their status. Or worse, it might stain their prospects of becoming inner disciples, the coveted position of power and backing of the sect, and the Empire.

Mo Ye scoffed, his eyes filled with a quiet arrogance. "We're cultivators now, Jun Li. We don't bother with such trivialities. It's the law of our Dao, or it will be. It'll die soon anyway."

Jun Li looked doubtful but nodded, convinced for the moment by Mo Ye's audacity. After all, what could a mere mortal achieve against the grandeur of their Cultivation?

As the two disciples went about their duties, the system messages continued to flow. [ALERT: Anomaly Survives – Progress Noted – Minor].

Mo Ye ignored it, concentrating on their impending Conquering test. An entire world at his fingertips, a playground to practice deadly sect techniques, a pool of resources for his cultivation, all tantalisingly close. He wouldn't let a single mortal stand in his way. The idea was laughable.

But Jun Li, he wasn't so dismissive. His gaze lingered on the anomaly. A seed of curiosity had been planted in his mind. He resolved to monitor the anomaly’s soul signal closely. But for now, he joined Mo Ye in preparing for the test. The world beneath them unaware, its destiny tied to the whims of two disciples from an unfathomable empire.

Just another day in the grand design of the Martial Empire.

To the high cultivators of the Empire, mana and magic were no more than crude tools. They held them with a contemptuous disregard, like cheap trinkets compared to the sublime power of Qi and the Dao.

An intricate plan designed to shackle those they deemed lesser.


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