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Evan opened his eyes to find himself standing in the peaceful forest, with Markus to his left, and Lucia to his right. All three of them whole, and alive.

It worked!? He stood there in stunned silence, unable to speak. His thoughts moved at pace while his body stayed frozen. But what did I just do? I only activated [Postcognition]... How am I back in the past? His thoughts came to a screeching halt as a familiar beast entered the clearing.

The Duskstalker.

The feline beast, as large as several horses, entered through a gap in the trees and eyed them curiously. The trio stood still in shock, awe, and in Evans' case, worry.

He grabbed Markus and Lucia and pulled them backwards without stopping, “Hey!?” She hissed in protest, “What the hells?” Markus hissed unnecessarily loudly in confusion, as both his and Lucias feet slid backwards some distance at Evans' hurried pull.

Now some distance away and surrounded by the shade of forest's trees, they looked back to where they had stood only seconds ago and saw a myriad of the sun's twilight rays surrounding the entire area.

Markus and Lucia shared a nervous and fearful glance, before looking thankfully at Evan, and then back towards the creature.

The beast studied them briefly before turning and sauntering away, disappearing into the forest. To the beast, this was no longer its hunting ground; there were no longer prey within the rays; it was no longer its time.

The trio held their breath in awe as it left.

“Gods,” Markus sighed in disbelief “We totally just almost died.” He paused in deep thought. “Well, you guys did. I probably would have survived.”

Evan shook his head with a chuckle. If only they knew.

Soon they continued their trek and spoke of the more dangerous beasts rumored to lurk in the woods, their encounter ignored, but not forgotten. They talked about the Blood Boar, a massive creature that could take down ten men with ease, and Lucia chimed in with a tale of a creature known as the screamer. It was said to be a predator that hunted at night, using its keen senses and razor-sharp claws to take down prey, a never-ending scream leaving its mouth. It was rumored to be unkillable, with a hide that could deflect even the sharpest of blades. Evan suspected it was just a rumor.

They continued on, moving deeper into the forest, vigilant. They marveled at the beauty around them—the gentle flow of a nearby stream, the soft chirping of birds in the distance. Towering trees loomed high above, watching, their branches interlaced like the fingers of giants, casting a dim green light on the party below them. And the party kept their eyes peeled for any signs of prey or danger, and their weapons ready at all times, wary of whatever lurked behind any corner or tree. As they entered a clearing, they noticed the sunlight filtering through the trees in the distance, casting dappled shadows and rays of sun on the forest floor. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze. They avoided the open canopy.

Marcus often tested his [Density Control]. Sometimes he'd sink into the earth like a stone. "Marcus," Evan grumbled, his ‘past’ battle of life and death now forgotten, "we're trying to be inconspicuous!"

Markus just shook his head in response "Ev, blending in is overrated. But you're right. I'll stop sinking into the earth. From now on, I'll only make the ground tremble beneath me." he flashed a grin as they trekked onwards.

They had been wandering through the dense forest for over an hour, their eyes scanning the undergrowth for any signs of life. Evan was honestly grateful Lucia placed a hand on their chests, silently signaling with her head for them to look forward. The trio's eyes fixed on a small deer-like creature rolling at an incredible speed, its agile movements making it appear as if it was gliding on the ground. Marcus, Lucia, and Evan were deathly still, watching the creature with a mix of anticipation and tension. Evan had heard stories of these creatures, but had rarely ever seen one in person.

They stood there, the three of them, transfixed by the small deer-like creature that was rolling incredibly fast towards them. They could hardly believe their eyes, and for a moment, they stood frozen, watching as it rolled past them and out of sight.

Its compact body was perfectly designed for speed, with sleek muscles well hidden under the dark red fur that blurred with light green streaks, mimicking the undergrowth around it. The small green stubs shaped like plant growths on its head were a unique feature that set it apart from other creatures in the forest, giving it an somewhat adorable appearance to the few lucky enough to see it, although to Evan all it did was remind him of those infernal squirrels.

Its strange antlers curved gracefully, adding to its majestic beauty.

As it rolled incredibly fast to escape predators, the creature was a blur of motion, a streak of color weaving its way through the underbrush. Its agility and speed were unmatched, making it a difficult target for hunters and predators alike. The green stubs on its head pulsed with magical energy, as if imbued with some source of power that aided the creature's escape.

The small deer-like creature's value as a delicacy was well known, but catching one was a rare feat, reserved only for the most skilled and fortunate of hunters. It was worth a month's wages for most hunters if caught. Its beauty and speed made it a thing rarely seen, and a sign of good fortune for those who caught a glimpse of it. In the forest, to hunters, it was a symbol of grace and agility.

Marcus was the first to snap out of his daze, and he cursed loudly as he watched the creature disappear into the distance.

"Dammit!" he shouted. "We almost had it!"

Lucia, still in shock, looked at Marcus with wide eyes. "What was that?" she asked.

Evan, always the level-headed one, stepped forward. Years of acting responsible to gain hunting privileges from his parents had given him good practice.

"A Verdant Stag," he said, his voice low and measured. "We're going to catch it."

The three of them exchanged glances, and, without a word, they immediately gave chase.

Evan exhaled. He reached out with his senses, feeling for the powerful sun-like reservoirs of magic that lay dormant within him. He could feel the mana around him, pulsing and thrumming with a power that he could barely begin to comprehend. Despite a lifetime of this, he still wasn't used to it. He focused on the energy within him, and he felt it surge to life, burning through his veins like a raging inferno.

As Evan began to tap into his magic, so too did Marcus and Lucia follow suit, each employing both of their own unique skills to sense the surrounding mana.

Marcus started practicing his [Gardening] mid-chase, flowers sprouting on the forest path behind them. "Marcus, it's not a gardening competition!" Evan yelled.

In response, Marcus dug his feet into the ground, strived to feel as light as a feather, and aimed to leap towards the creature, using the undergrowth as a springboard. The thick branches that sprouted rapidly from beneath him, however, rendered him too dense and heavy to move. As a result, he weakened the ground. Connecting with the earth, he drew upon its power, sinking deeper as he channeled his energy. Except for his shoulders and head, the rest of his body sank into the forest floor. Lucia, on the other hand, directed her focus towards the scrap iron knives clutched in her hands. With fierce determination, she launched them unerringly from both hands, the shards of iron shattering in her strong grip, spraying metal towards the creature.

As Evan, Markus and Lucia stalked the Verdant Stag, Lucia's [Iron Grip] skill appeared to have taken on a life of its own. She seized a rock to launch as a distraction but held it with such strength that it practically exploded into a shower of stone. The creature increased in speed and darted off further at the sound, Lucia murmuring a sheepish "oops" as they ran.

Startled further by her second attempt, it veered off its course and sped up, hurtling away into the distance.

Evan decided it was time to attempt to master his new skills, the battle with the Duskstalker had shown him just how dangerous the world, and this forest could be. He activated [Postcognition], and was assaulted with images and sensations, so many it was overwhelming. He stumbled as he struggled to regain his senses.

So much for that.

[Teleportation] it is, then. Evan thought, once again feeling the power surge within him, delved deep within himself to search for the source of his strength. This was familiar territory. He knew he had to restrict the amount of power he required and give it direction; however, he remained unsure about its limits. He focused on limiting the power he drew from his sun-like reservoir, as he did with his third skill, the one he'd used all his life, his secret skill, the skill that enhanced his other two. He strived to harness it with precision. He pondered whether he would ever reveal the true nature of his skills, especially his third skill, to his friends; he had never read about anyone possessing a skill like it in any history books.

He understood that he would become a hunted man. No, sharing this information would definitely not be wise. Struggling, with sweat beading on his forehead, he attempted to limit the flame he drew from his moving sun, but the energy erupted forth regardless, hot and bright. It exploded from the sun within his body and drove him forward in a blur of motion.

Evan went hurtling into the distance, disappearing and reappearing in a swirl of displaced air,

heading in the right direction.

"Verdant Stag? That's a fancy name for a very fast bush," Marcus muttered, squinting into the distance where the creature and Evan had disappeared.


The trio made their way back to the city province, exhilarated from their time in the forest. They had deepened their understanding of their skills and, although they hadn't managed to catch anything, they felt more confident in their abilities. Evan, in particular, experienced a sense of achievement, having restricted the power he deployed to utilize his skill.

As they neared the city walls, they marveled at the stark contrast between the forest and the civilization lying before them. The city buzzed with activity; merchants were hawking their wares and people were bustling about their daily routines. They traversed through the city, passing the outer provinces where the dregs resided. The scent of poverty and despair was almost palpable.

However, as they moved towards the city center, they felt a shift in the atmosphere. The buildings became taller and grander, the streets cleaner and more organized. They were entering the affluent district, home to the powerful skill holders and their staff.

The district stood in stark contrast to the outer provinces, boasting ornate buildings and beautifully manicured gardens. The air was thick with the scent of wealth and privilege. A sense of unease enveloped the trio as they navigated through the district.

The grand palace of the ruling council, a sprawling complex of buildings, towers, and spires reaching skyward, towered over everything else in the district. It was said that the council possessed some of the most powerful skills in the world and that their power extended far beyond the city walls.

Two central figures in the city, Lord Darius, the head of the ruling council, and Lady Sariel, one of the city's most powerful skill holders, were universally known.

Lord Darius, a towering figure with a stern countenance and a commanding presence, was known for his strategic mind and his ability to make difficult decisions. Having led the city through some of its darkest hours, including massive monster attacks that almost annihilated the entire city, he had earned the respect of the populace. However, many also feared him for his iron grip on power.

Lady Sariel, a much different figure, was known for her beauty and grace. A skilled warrior and a diplomat, she utilized her skills to negotiate peace between warring factions. Beloved by the people for her kindness and generosity, she frequently used her power to aid those in need. However, she was also known to be cunning and shrewd, always calculating her moves and never revealing her true intentions.

Both figures had their share of enemies, but many respected and admired them for their power, cunning, and personalities. Lord Darius was known for his stoic demeanor, rarely displaying emotion, while Lady Sariel was far more charismatic, often employing her charm to achieve her goals.

Their exploits were legendary; Lord Darius had led the charge against an ancient colossal beast, the 'walking man', which had attacked the city and everything in its path, while Lady Sariel had single-handedly defeated an army of skilled warriors who had threatened to invade the city.

Despite their power, they didn't perceive themselves as evil. They understood that the world was a harsh and unforgiving place and that, sometimes, one needed to do whatever it took to survive in a land where even the echo of a dead god's power could obliterate their way of life. To them, accumulating power was a necessary means to achieve survival for their city and the tens of thousands of people living in it.

The city, an engineering marvel, was home to many grand buildings and sprawling gardens. Its populace was diverse, hailing from all walks of life, and the streets bustled with ceaseless activity.


Surrounded by the towering wealth district's opulent mansions and grand gardens, Lucia led the way to her family's home. Her long hair swayed with each step, and her sharp gaze scanned the surroundings. Having grown up in this district, where power and prestige reigned supreme, she knew it like the back of her hand.

Lucia's home was situated in the eastern wealth district of the city provinces, a place rich with power. Evan could almost swear the air was saturated with mana. It felt nothing like the testing room. Here, its thunderous currents, which could easily be mistaken for a gentle whisper, brushed against his skin. He dared not tap into his skills to confirm this. They had been briefed on how to behave so as not to cause trouble in the district. Only residents were permitted to use their skills here.

As they neared the grand entrance of Lucia's family home, they were greeted with nods from a pair of muscular guards clad in black armor. Marcus and Evan eyed them warily, but Lucia, with a smile, ushered her friends inside.

The interior of the house was as grand as its exterior, complete with marble floors, towering pillars, and sparkling chandeliers. Lucia's parents awaited them in the foyer, her father being a tall, imposing man with a stern expression, and her mother, Lavinia, a petite woman with a warm smile.

"Welcome, welcome," her father boomed, shaking the trio's hands firmly. "It's been too long since we've seen you, Marcus and Evan. How have you fared since Testing day?"

Clearing his throat nervously, Marcus, whose hands were fidgeting, replied, "I've been... well, trying to get a grip on my [Density Control]. It's been a bit of a challenge, but I'm getting there."

Evan nodded in agreement, rubbing the sore bruise on his arm. "Yeah, and my [Teleportation] has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Literally."

Chuckling and exchanging amused glances, Lucia's parents responded, "Well, you've come to the right place," Lucia's mother said, leading them towards the dining hall. "My husband has a private training hall that he uses to hone his skills. You're welcome to use it as well."

Their eyes wide with excitement, the trio followed Lucia's parents to the training hall. The room was spacious, with padded walls and a high ceiling, designed to withstand even the most powerful of skills.

Lucia's father, Maximus, was a highly regarded skill user. He had discovered a novel application for his skill that had elevated him to one of the district's most sought-after individuals, propelling his family far up the social stratosphere from their humble beginnings. His stern face broke into a smile as he guided them to the hall.

Maximus watched with interest as the trio tested their skills. He wanted them to succeed, but the sight of the boy flailing across the room at such speed was rather amusing. He was confident that the boy would figure it out. However, he had never seen someone teleport so many times in quick succession... What was that boy made of?


Marcus gritted his teeth and focused all his willpower on increasing his density, sweat dripping down his forehead as the ground beneath him trembled.

Meanwhile, in the corner of the room, Lucia stood, her focus unwavering. Suddenly, she whipped out knife after knife, each hand targeting a different direction. Each knife landed precisely where she intended, embedding itself into the padded wall with a loud clang. Although she was not using her iron grip skill, the sight was still impressive.

Evan kept his eyes open, tapped into his skill, and focused on his teleportation's destination. His body disappeared with a loud whoosh, and he was flung through the void, reappearing moments later with a painful thud... This time, at least, he managed to execute a running stop, skidding across the floor on his feet. While resting, he decided to tap into his other skill. He concentrated on the well of power deep within him, causing the blazing sun of mana to shift towards his core. A wave of vertigo hit him as he was propelled through the air at high speed, straight through the ceiling with a crash and then skyward, directly into the heart of the city.

Straight into the grand palace of the ruling council.


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