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[Planet X-1234598 Integration Complete]

[Planet X-1234598 Designation “Earth” - Rank F]

[Welcome to the Multiverse]

[Initiating System in…]


[Error - Inductee 6,000,000,042 Soul in Stasis during first contact]

[Attempting to revive form - Failure - Protocol ‘Inductee-recycle: welcome message’ initiated]

[Recycling soul…]

[Attempting reincarnation to Multiverse Planet X-1234598 Designation “Earth”…Success]

[Error - e̴̟̓́͝n̶̡̮͋̕͝o̷̟̮̙͚̔l̸̢͉̗̣̑͐͛à̸̺̥̮͒ͅ ̶̯͇̈́̈͛o̷̻̽̋̕g̶̢̅̓͛͝ ̷͎̠̠̖̿́o̶̼̲͋͐͋͂ͅt̶̢̻͉́̕͜ ̷̳̮̏̄͝͠s̵̞̈́͆̓̓ṷ̷̭̓͆͛̋ǒ̴̗͎̪r̵͇͓͑́g̸̟͛̍̕ reincar ̸̺̟͈͌ň̷̢̨̄á̷̮͇͍͝͝d̶̺̆͜͠s̸̡̽̚͠'̵̢̟͖̞̀͆t̸͇̾̃̌̕i̶̧̹̽̈́̋̚ ̷̱̑̽̂̚s̷̯̲̅͐͜͝i̶̻̅̔͋ͅh̸̨̬͙̓t̶̢͎̖̦͊͂ ̶̨̺̏͂e̸̪̟͇͕͂k̷̞͎̳̳̋ǎ̴̂͗̅ͅt̶̙̺͎̺͑̌.̷̯͍̩̹̋̍̅ ̸̭̃͒͠͝ ̴̧̛̺̠̞̌̈̚]

[Reincarnation protocol ‘inductee-recycle’ success!]

[Planet X-1234599 Integration Complete]

[Planet X-1234599 Designation “Pyra”- Rank E]

[Welcome to the Multiverse]

Alex was in the dark, but not the scary kind. More like floating in a warm, endless pool, but without water. He floated while stuck in nothing but the dark, drifting across an ocean of blackness, his mind hugged tight by a peaceful kind of nothingness.

Alex’s head throbbed in protest, struggling to process the cryptic message that had materialized before his eyes. What did it mean? a world labeled as "Pyra,"? The words taunted him, concealing more questions than answers.

Despite his recent experiences, a sense of tranquility swept over him. Could this be what death feels like? He contemplated. It's surprisingly serene. I can even sense the grass beneath me, a breeze brushing against my skin, and the murmur of a nearby stream- Wait a minute.

His eyes shot open, and the truth of his circumstances unfolded before him.

He felt like he'd just had the best sleep of his life. No aches, no fatigue. His body felt like a coiled spring, ready to unleash. He clenched and unclenched his fists, feeling the muscles in his arms respond with eagerness. The sensation made him wonder, was this how it felt to be completely, utterly well?

He sat up with an energy he hadn't felt in years. As Alex pushed himself up from the ground, a wave of dizziness washed over him. Blinking away the haze of unconsciousness, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, and he instinctively scanned his surroundings, trying to make sense of his new reality.

His gaze swept the strange scene. A meadow stretched endlessly, bursting with colors so vivid they almost stung his eyes. Nearby, a stream cut through the landscape, its crystal clear waters sparkling like polished gemstones. Further away, a cliff stood tall, its base drowning in a thick jungle. The world was bright as if it was the middle of summer, without a cloud in sight. A clear, eerily blue sky stretched wide above him.

but the lack of other landscapes on the horizon was disturbing. At first glance, It felt like he was on a secluded island, isolated from the rest of the world. Or a large country of some sort, or even an archipelago. Until he reached higher ground, there would be no way to know for sure.

Yet, there were four profoundly unsettling aspects that caught his attention.

First, despite the absence of a sun in the sky, a vibrant light bathed the landscape, casting a surreal glow over everything. The clear, blue vista above seemed to defy natural laws, creating an mystical atmosphere that both fascinated and disturbed him. But where was the sun? The world was lit, but not a single sunbeam in sight.

It was as if the sky was one big light bulb.

Second, his eyes were drawn to a massive stone archway peeking above the treetops. It soared to the height of a five-story building, decorated with cryptic symbols and twinkling lights. It emitted an air of mystery and power, tempting him to unravel its secrets.

Third, his own body, which felt like a machine fine-tuned to perfection. He flexed his arms and legs, relishing the absence of any stiffness. It was as if his body had been waiting for this moment, ready to make the most of this new state of being.

Lastly, the most disturbing sight was the colossal portal within the stone archway. Swirling with a foreign fusion of energies, it pulsed and throbbed, radiating strange and hypnotic colors into the surrounding air. The sheer magnitude of this portal stirred a mix of awe and trepidation within Alex, leaving him with a persistent sense of foreboding.

For a fleeting moment, he wondered if he had entered the realm of the afterlife. But the sights before him and the words etched in his mind's eye told him otherwise—he had been "reincarnated."

[Gained Legendary Feat: "First Encounter" First to enter incursion dungeon in inductee world - All stats + 10. All stats +20%.]

[Broadcast - Tier #3: Welcome to the Multiverse, Planet X-1234599 Designation “Pyra”. Your world, and several others have been chosen in the latest batch of worlds to join the Empire. Rejoice! Your induction to mana will last 365 planetary revolutionss before your new imperial masters arrive. Gain strength and serve us well.]

Alex staggered from the overload of information. Chosen to join some empire?... He struggled to parse meaning from the words. As he rose, he noticed an odd sensation in his body. It felt like his limbs were elongated, and he felt a dull ache all over. Suddenly, a resounding thump echoed in his mind, and he reflexively gripped his head, trying to ease the pain.

The thump turned into a sharp jab, flashing through his brain, as if someone had flicked his forehead with supernatural strength, the sensation spread throughout his body. It was gone as fast as it came, leaving him feeling out of breath but somehow sharper, like he'd downed a shot of pure adrenaline.

What's happening to me? he wondered, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of sensory information. The grass beneath his feet, the sound of the babbling brook, the scent of the earth all felt suddenly more vivid. It felt as though his senses had been heightened, akin to the sensation of emerging from water.

It was as if his senses had been submerged his whole life, and he hadn’t even known it.

[It is advised to brace yourself or be seated during the first stat boost.]

“You couldn’t have told me that a second ago?” Alex muttered in frustration.

He felt weightless, as if he were lighter than a feather, and strong too. He stomped into the ground and was surprised to see his foot sink inches into the grassy earth. The earth yielded like it was made of foam, his boot sinking in with only the slightest resistance.

How high could he jump now? Was this the effect of the feat?

Tearing his gaze away from the portal, Alex turned to the vast expanse of the jungle. The lush canopy overhead seemed to conceal more mysteries, a tapestry of shadows and secrets.

The landscape abruptly ended at a cliff, a vast ocean stretching out beyond. He was in a country, a peninsula or maybe even an archipelago or island of some sort, he realized. A  shred of frustration threading through him. He wouldn’t know for sure until he reached higher ground. He needed to find a way back to civilisation.

"So I'm stuck here, in the middle of nowhere..." he sighed, turning back towards the stone portal, his mind a whirlwind of plans, hopes, and concerns.

His eyes darted to the jungle, a dark wall of unknowns. Then to the cliff, which offered a vantage point of sorts but also no food, safety or isolation. He surveyed the few, grim options he had available to him. He could head towards that cliff, or venture into the jungle's unknown. Neither option was inviting. His eyes then fell on the mountain in the distance. Higher ground. It could offer him a wider perspective of the island. But that was a problem for later.

While he stood there, attempting to decipher the strange landscape, a deafening roar shattered the silence, causing the trees to shudder. The sound snapped him out of his reverie. The surrounding foliage quivered and rustled as countless unfamiliar birds took flight.

At the sound, his hand went to his waist, searching for the reassuring weight of his sword strap. Nothing. He patted down his sides, and his back, hoping to find his bag of wooden practice blades. Also nothing. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He was alone, in an unfamiliar land, and if that message was to be believed, an unfamiliar world.

So what could possibly have made that noise?

The roar sounded again, closer this time. The trees shook. Alex's eyes darted from one shadowy nook to another, searching for the source of this menacing roar. Was it a lurking predator, ready to pounce? Or something far more sinister? And how large would it have to be to make a sound like that?

An explosion resounded in the distance, prompting him to swiftly pivot and witness something barrelling towards the stream from the treeline, rapidly closing the gap to his location.

He hastily took cover behind a nearby boulder to observe as the interloper arrived and lowered its head to lap water from the stream.

In front of him was a wierd and grotesque… horse? No- a wolf. A large wolf the size of a horse, almost as tall as he was and twice as long, with a large horn jutting out of its forehead. The horned wolf—its fur a patchwork of grey and black—approached, eyes glowing an eerie yellow. It sniffed the air.

Alex blinked and rubbed his eyes, yet nothing changed. The peculiar horned wolf remained in plain sight. It’s muscles rippled with every movement.

It was massive.

He glanced at the freakish wolf. It ran about, the booming sounds of its strut causing the growing knot in Alex’s stomach to tighten. He knew that back on earth, regular wolves were already pretty huge, coming up to about half his height. But this creature had taken it even further, he was sure he’d have to raise his eyes slightly to meet its gaze. The same as he would with a horse. It’s back was turned to Alex, seemingly oblivious to his presence. Should he attack it now? No that’s suicidal, he thought. Don’t they have stronger noses than dogs… maybe it’ll sense me eventually? But how should I attack, and when? While it's distracted? Or should I sneak away? With his title and newfound strength, he reasoned that this may be his only chance to get the upper hand.

But how would he beat a horse sized animal with his bare hands? He pressed his feet into the earth, and felt it shift under his movements with ease.

If the hardened earth felt like putty, then maybe the beast would too.

He decided to attack it. If only i had a sword he internally sighed with regret. He would have to make do and kill it somehow.

He was sure that was what you were supposed to do in dungeons. He had only ever played a game like that almost three decades ago, once or twice on a childhood friend's console. Growing up he’d always been training for the next tournament. He’d rarely had the time to join his friends outside of school, college and sports. Despite this, he was pretty sure there were no ‘good’ monsters in a dungeon.


As Alex was pondering on the nature of dungeons. He observed the animal in front of him. It was larger than any wolf he had ever seen, larger than a motorbike. Its body was thick and muscular, standing at a height just below his chest. And a large horn was jutting out of its head. The horn reminded him a little of a Rhino. It looked… sharp, dangerously so.

The wolf suddenly turned in his direction.

As the strange horned wolf turned to face him, he paused in anticipation. They locked eyes, and In that split second, nothing inside the dungeon moved. Alex was still tense, wondering what it would do next.

The wolf leaped towards him, a small patch of grass flying into the air behind it. Its horn was aimed right at his neck, seemingly intent on piercing him.

Alex's eyes narrowed, tracking the wolf's every twitch, every minute shift in weight. The beast was a blur of fur and muscle, but Alex felt like he was seeing each frame in slowed motion.

But not slow enough.

Reacting swiftly, Alex sidestepped, swaying back. His spine arched as he desperately dodged, avoiding the horn by mere inches. He jabbed forward on instinct, aiming to hit the soft tissue beneath the wolf's eye. But he was off balance, never having experienced fighting something so large before.

He missed.

His fist impacted the rock, a small crack and indent spreading where it landed. Alex would’ve paused in shock if it wasn’t for the fact that he was battling for his life.

How had he done that?

The wolf sailed past him, and he felt a rush of wind as it whizzed by and landed, before turning to face him with a low snarl reverberating in its throat. It was so large that it’s rumbling snarl shook the grass beneath its feet.

Alex, in the meantime, marveled at his own reflexes. He’d never moved that fast before; he wasn't even sure it was possible to move that fast.

What were those words? Stats? Multiverse? What did it do to him? And what the hell was ‘Pyra’? And that strange error message… It sounded like he’d been reincarnated into another planet… was that a mistake?

He was pulled away from his thoughts as the wolf turned and swiped with claws the size of hands, knives that could tear him to ribbons.

Alex felt his training both aiding and betraying him as he dodged. The fundamentals were there—timing, distance, balance—but every application was slightly… wrong. The beast's biology rejected the rules he knew; no obvious solar plexus to strike, and a temple and jaw protected by razor sharp canines.

Alex pivoted, angling his body in a way that would allow him to evade and avoid being torn to pieces. The beast staggered as it landed-off balance- but didn't fall. It seemed unphased.

For a heartbeat, Alex felt the weight of his years in the ring and the dojo, the countless hours of repetition and muscle memory. It was both an asset and a burden now, every instinct honed for a different kind of fight. But the essence of combat was universal, he just needed to adapt; to innovate.

He swallowed his concerns as the wolf leapt again. On its second lunge, its horn aimed directly at Alex's heart.

In a split second, Alex pivoted, his foot sinking into the dirt, grounding him. His fist snapped forward, targeting the wolf's exposed side. Knuckles met flesh with a satisfying crunch, his hips twisted to drive the blow further, leaving a spray of dirt where his feet had been. yet the wolf's fur felt like chainmail.

His fist stung on contact, bruised. What the- how is it so tough?! Alex's thought as his other fist clenched mid-swing for a second blow; he twisted as the blow connected and drove his elbow into the wolf's lower jaw.

It struck true, although it barely seemed to phase the wolf. But this time, it didn’t hurt Alex either. He used a merge, a shift from Boxing to Muay Thai. A transition between styles used to create something new. It was a calculated move, something he’d practiced his whole life. To him, something like that felt like breathing.

But still, the wolf seemed unphased. It twisted and snapped its jaw and Alex frantically scrambled away as his vision of the world became filled with large canines and death. All thoughts of technique were abandoned as the wolf's horn swept past Alex's face, close enough to feel its serrated edge scorch his cheek. A hot stinging sensation spread on his face and shoulder as he stumbled to the ground and twisted in a desperate roll to his feet.

The wolf's jaws snapped shut where his neck had been a moment before.

The wolf's jagged horn continued its wild descent, cleaving the rock in two as Alex desperately scrambled to his feet, his eyes widening at the sight of the boulder's destruction. His cheek burned, his shoulder ached. His nose caught the metallic scent of blood. His own. He glanced at his shoulder, where a gash was  oozing crimson, and he felt a wet sensation across his cheek as more blood flowed from a second shallow scrape by the wolf's horn. The blood coalesced and trickled down his arm, warm and unsettling. That was concerning. He flexed his fingers and arm experimentally and sighed with relief as they responded.

A guttural growl erupted from the beast, vibrating the air around them. Its eyes, molten red, almost glowing, locked onto him as if viewing particularly wily prey.

And Alex, for the first time in his life, found himself facing a challenge- a true challenge; facing off against something he couldn’t quite beat.

A grin began to spread across his face as he took the alien sensation.

Alex charged.

And the wolf followed suit. Without missing a beat, Alex took advantage of the wolf's momentum. He launched a precise sidekick, connecting with the creature's body as it lunged. It felt like kicking a log of wood, but the impact sent the wolf flying through the air and crashing into the nearby stream. Water splashed everywhere as the wolf struggled to regain its footing. He stared at his extended leg, the vibrations of the kick still tingling in his muscles, his eyes widening as if trying to absorb the reality before him.

Alex was panting as he lowered his leg and stood with his gaze fixed, on the drenched beast struggling to rise from the water. His limbs felt like they were vibrating, tingling with an energy that was both foreign and intimately familiar. His leg still trembled, not from exhaustion but from sheer disbelief at the force he'd just unleashed. His leg had done that? A kick had sent a creature of that size flying? He couldn’t believe it. It must’ve flown ten feet from that kick. He thought in muted surprise.

Alex stood there, chest heaving, staring at the ripple where the beast had landed. A surge of something primal and exhilarating coursed through him. For the first time, he felt truly alive, as if every cell in his body were singing. This was  not the controlled environment of a training mat or a ring, or even a dark street where a successful ambush would result in a trip to the hospital at worst. This was different. This was life and death, where a single blow could define fate, and where a single mistake could spell one’s end. This— was raw, brutal, untamed combat.

A thought occurred to him in that split-second; what would it have been like if he’d had a sword?

The boundaries of his lifetime of training and fights had been redrawn, stretched by necessity and adrenaline. This battle, a clash so far removed from any ring or mat, had demanded the sum of his years of training—then asked for something more.

The wolf shook its massive head, water droplets flying off its fur, each one catching the scant light in a prism of colors.

Alex was not worried or concerned by the wolf's actions; instead, he was filled with shock and curiosity. And awe. He had barely survived that fight.

A cacophony of sound erupted as five more wolves the size of horses burst out of the treeline, all headed towards him.

It was a pack.

He surveyed his surroundings one final time, his gaze lingering on the towering cliff, gargantuan portal, and the dense jungle beyond as the wolf he’d struck struggled to regain its footing. Every detail mattered, every choice had consequences.

The shocking sight of the monstrous wolves had driven home a fact that he couldn’t deny.

This wasn’t earth, and he wasn’t dead.

With resolve in his heart, Alex set forth in a sprint, his gaze now unwaveringly fixed upon the towering stone archway and the mesmerising energies that beckoned him as he sped towards its direction, with a pack of oversized horned wolves at his heel.

Well. Alex thought, his heart pounding as he sprinted, each beat leaving a trail of blood for the wolves to follow.



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