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Authors note: Enjoy.

Chapter 78: Sovereign World

Alex held the world treasure firmly in his grasp. The tiny intricate designs held stories of realms, knowledge and powers lost to time— things that seemed unlikely to be touched by modern minds. 

A relic of a lost era.

When Mei's eyes landed on it, she stepped back, a genuine look of terror flashing across her face as her fingers trembled, pointing.

A world treasure, she had called it. An object of immense value that cultivators sought, and with it, one could lay claim over worlds or traverse between them. The term felt somewhat familiar to Alex, as though he had heard it once, in a dream.

Or in a vision.

"How do you have that, Alex?" Mei asked, tentatively stepping closer with a quivering voice, her steps cautious as though she expected the sphere to explode, or worse. She moved to Alex’s side, struggling to mask the fear that Alex’s suprahuman sight saw threatening to break through.

Alex held the sphere before him, turning it over to study and sense the workings of its infinitely complex design. 

Sections of its interior appeared to exist in more than three dimensions, more than four, even. The device held the tiniest pieces that moved and spun in ways that reminded him of the entrance of his ‘Sovereign Executioner’ into reality, or the small features of the maddening realm of the Endless library. It was as though the treasure had been designed to harness energies that expertly warped space and twisted reality.

"It was a quest reward," he lied swiftly.

Meis sharp gaze fixed on him, hard and unyielding. "Don't lie to me. That's impossible."

Alex let out a sigh, deeper and longer than he intended. "After my defeat by Jun Li…" he began, choosing each word carefully. He wished he had something better to say, but the pounding in his head from overusing his dao was clouding his thoughts. “… I found this.” He stretched his arm forward, allowing Mei a closer look. “It was just... there, discarded not far from where I had fallen." He paused, looking directly into Mei's eyes. "I didn't know for sure it was the cultivators'."

Another half-truth.

Silence hung between them, a chasm growing deeper with every passing moment.

"But you suspected it was from Jun Li's?" Mei inquired with raised brows, her expression and tone revealing nothing of her thoughts.

Alex simply nodded. "Do you know how to activate it?"

Mei ran her fingers through her hair with movements that conveyed stress, it was apparent to Alex she was trying to process the revelation. "To activate it," she began, "You've got to inject your qi. That's how they do it, or at least, what it looks like they do," she admitted, rubbing her temples. "It's what Yan Hau's escort used to transport us here."

Alex's eyebrows knitted in concern. "And is it safe? Can they... track me?"

She looked pensive for a moment, her lips pursed. "I haven't heard of any world treasure being able to directly do that. Although, it's a moot point. The imperials can trace any system user through their 'soul-signature'. It's a unique mark given to both members of the Empire and anyone with the system. No matter where you are, so long as you're on a world connected to the system, you're exposed. If a cultivator wants to find you, they can and will."

She hesitated before adding, "Mistress Yan Hau probably recorded your soul signature when she sent you here."

His thoughts raced, the implications of her words slowly sinking in. "So, Mistress Yan Hau has my soul signature? You're sure?"

"Most likely," she replied, her tone hinting at resignation.

The reality of his situation had deepened, to abyssal levels. It had become abundantly clear that running might not be an option. Not from Mistress Yan Hau. Not from the Imperials.

The hope he had held of slipping away unnoticed, escaping the clutches of Mistress Yan Hau, seemed to evaporate. If she desired, she could locate him anytime. As for Jun Li, he could only hope that the formidable warrior was acting alone.

Alex was not ready to deal with cultivators breathing down his neck. Not yet, anyway.

"Then it's settled," he murmured, feeling the need to act. He sat down on the grass and cradled the world treasure. Closing his eyes, he sought out his inner qi, trying to connect with it, to awaken the dormant power within the artifact.

Mei's voice broke through his concentration as he sensed her leaning over him, casting a shadow on his seated form.

“What are you doing?"

"Trying," Alex responded tersely, feeling the energy building within him. Yet, his qi remained elusive, unyielding. He couldn't manipulate it, not even a hint of movement.

"To activate it," he grunted.

Despite his efforts, his Q felt impossible to influence. As much as he tried to manipulate it, the strange energy remained stagnant, unyielding. He could only sense it and not much else. Realization hit him; 

Where Qi and cultivation was concerned, he still had a lot to learn.

Standing up, Alex muttered grimly under his breath, "Maybe I should go back to Mistress Yan Hau after all."

Defeat washed over him. Without some form of mastery over his qi, traveling between worlds was an impossible feat. His eyes met Mei's, a resigned acceptance apparent in their depths.

"Crazy guy," Mei muttered, shaking her head, her voice filled with concern and worry and her eyes never leaving his form. Yet, as she spoke, her expression became wild and excited. 

As if she couldn't wait to see more. “It's like every second with you brings a new danger." 

Alex finally looked up to see her grinning face, "I don't think you need me to find danger. Judging by how we got here, you seemed pretty danger-prone before I came along." He retorted, forcing himself not to smirk or appear smug. 

It led to his delivery dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey. Low blow much," Mei muttered glumly as she kicked a plume of earth and dirt in his direction.

Alex side-stepped the bulk of the spray with inhuman speed but didn't manage to avoid it all. 

"Heh. low blow. Geddit?" She smiled, overly pleased with herself. Alex suspected her joke hadn't been intentional. 

He kicked back, his higher-ranked feet tearing through the earth and sending a spray in her direction. She summoned her shield too late.

Shortly after they packed, hunted, cooked, and settled in for the night, thoughts of hunting the world's strongest ancient long forgotten.


The next morning, Alex woke to a painful pounding behind his eyes, and foreign energy pressing into his skull. His surroundings felt hazy and non-present, fluid. 

He opened his eyes, and the pounding intensified as he woke to a realm entirely different to the one he had slept in.

Notifications flashed before him.

Confused, he briefly read through the flash of notifications— they brought clarity and understanding to his maddening confusion. 

[24 hour period depleted]

[Grade E Skill - Electric Arc - Mastery: 0% - Skill Unmastered]

[Grade E Skill - Electric Arc (Temporary) Removed]

[Vessel of Madness Initiating]

[Connection Established]

[Please Select A New Skill]

Then, Alex closed his eyes once more, employing a myriad of passives, 

all to search for the closest wells of power.


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