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Gravity's vice grip anchored Alex in place, the suffocating embrace of a storm of blue flames and towering blades barrelling toward him. He was a ship without a sail, a hawk with clipped wings, vulnerable and laid bare before the storm's fury.

Alex's muscles screamed, unable to move against the oppressive force that bore down on him. All around, the world was painted in the fierce azure hue of roaring flames and golden blades.

And yet still, he resisted.

[Grade E Skill: EclipsedBody (Passive) removed!]

[Grade E Skill: InfiniteBody (Active) gained!]

He pulled his dark blade from the storm of mana within his heart, replacing it with the energy-stealing limitless blade. Its crystal edge dispersed, the blades complex essence dissolving to spread through Alex’s cells to merge with his mana, becoming part of his very being.

The cold dark metal of eclipse landed in his open palm in the same instant, as his thoughts sped like a falcon in flight to summon every skill he could muster.

Sovereign Executioner, Sovereign Clone, Phoenix Leap, Mana Blade, InfiniteBody— Anything to escape gravity’s vice grip, and the array of fire and steel milliseconds from engulfing him.

Time slowed to a crawl, a breath where the next instant decided life and death.

Alex acted.

His fingers brushed against his inventory, a flick triggering the appearance of a demon army blade. Immediately, it mirrored his form, stepping mindlessly into the flames.  

Simultaneously, Alex raised his arms, blades poised to strike with precision through the eye of the impending storm. His Sovereign Executioner construct manifested right before the eyes of another charging gargantuan guard, its presence as sudden and natural as a shadow appearing under the noon sun. The gaurd pivoted to evade.

Too late.

Alex, with a blade crystal blade erupting from his palm, swung with everything he had. His construct did so too. Right at the moment a wall of blades and fire engulfed them all.

The sound of thunder and steel exploded, throwing dirt and rocks high into the air, where they remained suspended.

His blades had cut a tear through the atmosphere, aided by enhanced gravity. unleashed a torrent of electric energy. Two bright arcs of electricity scythed through the air, tearing into the earth and carving deep gouges through the fire to strike at golden guard, and then another, rooting their gargantuan forms to the spot. The ground cracked under both guard’s feet as each collapsed to a knee, smoke trailing from their golden armour like rising serpents, as the remaining eight comrades reached Alex and struck from all sides with flames, blades, and spears.

Mei, swift in her resolve, wove a protective dome around them both. The arcane barrier pulsed with the raw energy of her mana, standing in defiance against the tempest. But the guards were a force to reckon with. One, standing taller than the rest, brought his immense weapon crashing down. The sound echoed like thunder, and the first crack appeared on Mei’s shield. Before the sound even faded, another guard struck, and the shield's surface spider-webbed with fractures.

"Mei!" Alex shouted, his eyes wide with shock. But she was focused, her hands weaving intricate patterns, strengthening the shield with her mana. Alex stared at her hands. Is she re-enforcing the skill somehow? He wondered.

Alex felt the sting of heated air against his skin, smelled the sharp ozone from the electric discharge, and heard the sizzle of burning fabric and armor— he could see and sense beyond the flames, and saw a smoking guard he’d struck with lightning, one that still hadn’t moved from his kneeling position, in recovery.

Protected in Mei’s dome, an idea struck Alex.

He called out, separated by space but connected by magic. “Sovereign Executioner”

A breath, and time froze as Alex moved his construct’s blade to strike true.

His thoughts turned to the slain Arachnae queen he’d killed in cold blood, but he buried the feelings. The guilt he had yet to address. She had to die, that he knew, but it had still felt wrong, somehow. But this

This was different, like when he had faced Jun Li.

It was kill or be killed.

And Alex would never die again. He would never be maimed or lose a limb. He swore it. And he would make these ‘dragons’ pay dearly for forcing him to choose between his life or theirs.

He struck then, once, aiming at the gap between the kneeling giant’s golden helm, where its eyes would be beneath the shadow of its helmet, and his construct pierced the kneeling guard with the finality of the setting sun.

A second strike, and his Sovereign Executioner faded from reality, a second life taken with its passing.

[You have defeated level 379 Draconic Kobold (E) - additional experience points due to the level difference. Experience penalty due to grade difference]

[You have defeated level 399 Draconic Kobold (E) - additional experience points due to the level difference. Experience penalty due to grade difference]

“Two down.” Alex muttered.

The remaining eight roared flames in rage.

The light from the surrounding fire dimmed as another huge blade came crashing down, cracks grew in an instant, shooting across the dome like thick spiderwebs of magic, a web of shifting ethereal light and the last line of defenders.

Beyond the dome lay red, and orange, and blue. Flames and draconic fire. The light dimmed as blade clashed with the dome, then flared, then dimmed again as an army of blades sought to shatter their dome of protection.

The light of angry flames flickered through the cracks, painting patterns on Alex's face, as a final blow shattered the shield, annihilated it altogether, shards of protective magic faded to nothing as now, eight enormous blades arched down, thirsting for death and surrounded by flames. 

Threatening to end Alex's existence.

But in that fleeting, perilous moment, Alex found himself calm, he could see it all— the trailing scent of heated metal filling the air, the paths it created and where it would lead, the waves of sound created from the vulnerable throats of his assailants, each filled with chemical flame ready to be unleashed, how their blades cut clear paths through the heat, the force of their swings sending small stones and clods of dirt into the air, briefly suspended before either falling back to the scorched earth, or rising to hang suspended above, as overseers of the battle.

For the briefest moment in time, Alex felt omniscient. His body was filled with adrenaline and hung in limbo, neither dead nor alive, as eight massive blades the size of his body were a single breath away from bisecting his form. His instincts, honed from one near-death experience after the other kicked into high gear.

Phoenix Leap. Boundless Dodge.

He shot up and swung with all he had, the world blurring as he left the blades and flames to embrace nothingness. And as he ascended, a blade's edge clipped him.

He tumbled, spiraling to the ground in a mess of limbs.

He swung again in mid-fall.

Bright flashes of electricity, a booming crackle, encircling guards, and rising smoke were the only sign of his action. 

Some guards halted in the face of his thunderous swing. One fell. But those that remained, they walked through the thick bolts of electricity as though they were mere drops of rain.

A Phoenix Leap arrested his tumble, causing him to spin through the air, landing with steps that cracked the earth.

The remaining guards were strong, higher level, but he expected nothing less from the giants. Two of them had walked through his bolts as though they were nothing, while another was prone on the ground in a smoking crater, yet to recover. No notification, Alex realised, it’s still alive. He tutted in irritation, his Sovereign Executioner on the tip of his tongue. 

He decided he would have to avoid the their blows at all costs and hope that none of them had high endurance. If they all had invested all of their meagre stats in strength or dexterity, he would still be able to deal damage to them and possibly beat them all. But if any of them were endurance specialists... well, then he guessed he'd just have to hope Mei was strong enough to help him deal damage or try to seize a chance to receive be buffed from her and gain some sort of an edge. Because with enough of a difference in endurance and strength stats, Alex suspected there would be a point where even harming a person with too high of an endurance stat would be impossible.

He had experienced something similar with Jun Li. But I doubt that’s the case here, he thought between seconds,  if they were that strong, they would not be mere guards. He thought again as he raced forwards.

He twisted, drawing out his dark blade 'Eclipse', hurling it towards the guards as he thought the words; Sovereign Clone. The silver clone clattered to the ground inert and reverting, as Alex’s dark weapon responded to his call, its demonic surface rippling like molten flames, stretching, and transforming into a formidable inky-black metallic replica of his form— yet infinitely more demonic and malevolent. Its presence on the battlefield was a dark beacon that commanded attention. Armed with horns, crimson runes, and its malevolent third eye, it immediately engaged the guards with unrelenting ferocity. 

The grounds of the courtyard became an arena of chaos.

In the center of the courtyard, Alex's feral clone lashed out, each of its movements embodying its untamed nature. A guard's blow sent the clone flying, but it dug its fingers into the ground, arresting its momentum. 

Despite its efforts, every strike from the guards that connected sent it reeling. A powerful swipe threw it into the path of a gargantuan guard, who raised his weapon for a deadly cleave. But the clone moved with unmatched agility and expert precision, spinning in mid-air to parry the deathly strike. The impact, however, caused severe cracks to form on its sword arm. It spun from the blow in a whirlwind of frenzied movement.

Using its momentum from blocking the blow, the clone spun and delivered a vicious slash across the guard's face.

The guard, face marred with a gash, bellowed in rage. In his fury, he grasped 'Eclipse', intent on shattering the blade. Alex saw his weapon's potential destruction and immediately unsummoned his clone, transforming it back to a sword. His reverted blade however, never left the brute's hand, its serrated edge had sliced the meat of the guard's palm but never left its grip.

“Cover me!” Alex yelled to Mei, his voice piercing the chaos, "I have a plan!" He yelled again as he sprinted forward, seven guards moving in rapid succession to block his path. Their forms blurred as they simultaneously struck out towards him. It was as if the very air split with their speed. A Phoenix Leap and a series of Boundless Dodges and Sovereign Exocutioners weaved through the attacks in an instant, his world a barely seen blur.

Their attacks, though far more powerful, paled in comparison to the numbers he had faced when racing through the demon army.

It would have been laughable if they wasn’t so strong. Alex didn’t doubt that some of their blades could still end him if they landed. A strike would be all that it would take.

Above him, Mei glided on a magical shield she conjured, it acted both as transport and protection. Her reactions were quick, forming shields and domes that repelled the guards' advances in a maddening frenzy of movement.

Boundless Do—

A shield appeared just in time to deflect a deathblow Alex sensed aimed at his back, the massive weapon moving too quickly and too closely to evade. Mei had saved him from certain injury, if not death. Another of her gestures formed a protective dome between them, allowing Alex to move back and create some distance.

These guards are fast and strong, but their skills are weak, he realised. If these guards had better classes, he might have been in trouble just then. He could have died.

With grim resolve and acceptance, he realised that if he allowed this to drag on, he very well still could.

He would have to end this soon, in one fell swoop— take out the remaining guards and prepare himself for whatever came next.

And as far as dealing with what came next was concerned, Alex was prepared for any outcome.

The guard holding Eclipse had stumbled when the clone he tried to destroy transformed into a small sword in his grasp, slicing his hand. Recovering, he roared and hurled the sword at Alex. Yet with a Phoenix Leap, Alex appeared before him, ignoring the sword that stabbed into the ground beside him.

Behind Alex, Mei approached, turning around on her shield to confront the nine remaining guards advancing on them with alarming speed.

They were back to back.

Breathing hard, she landed behind him and coughed, blood spattering her lips. "Your plan better be worth it," she grumbled, wiping the blood away.

"Just wait and see," Alex muttered, clenching his fists, focusing on his 'Inner Focus'. He felt the mana flow within him, and guided it. "I need a distraction."

A crazed grin crossed Mei's face as she nodded in understanding. She summoned a magical bolt, which expanded and thickened until it matched her torso in width. Suddenly, it compressed, exploding into dozens of bolts that crackled with energy, their hum and buzz filling the air. Through his True Sight, Alex realized the mana contained in each bolt could fill his entire pool. Holy—," he thought in muted surprise, the sparkle of blue bolts filling his eyes as he viewed them, maybe we don't need my plan.

From a distance, Tarabyzan snorted, emitting plumes of flames. Suddenly, Mei's gravity reversed. With a yell of surprise and frustration – "Shiiiii-" – she found herself catapulted into a floating hill above. Her bolts followed, creating a suspended forest of magical death high above.

Now alone, Alex cursed under his breath. Ignoring Eclipse, he darted towards the giant guard who'd thrown it. That guard, with his golden armored fist, launched a fast punch at the approaching Alex. The massive fist threatened to engulf Alex's head and torso. Thinking quickly, Boundless Dodge, he mentally commanded. His mana shifted him to the side, the wind from the guard's miss threatening to topple him. Phoenix Leap, he thought next, shooting past the guard's open side. Drawing back his own fist, he murmured, "Divine Fist," and punched the guard's chest with all his might as he sped by.

The sound was deafening, a resonating gong that silenced the courtyard, accompanied by a blinding flash of mana and a roar of pain. Alex didn't halt; nine guards still pursued him. Racing past one, confusion marked the pained guard's face – until the giant followed Alex's gaze and direction.

Alex was racing to the guards' discarded giant sword.

Even with his inhuman momentum, Alex's focus never wavered. He lunged for the guard’s enormous golden sword, twice his own height and equally as broad. As the other guards closed in, circling him like vultures, he touched the cold metal of the blade. Two words sounded in his mind.

Sovereign Clone.

The weapon morphed. Before the guards stood a colossal version of Alex, an unthinking behemoth.


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