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New arc poll

  • Option 1 1
  • Option 2 0
  • Option 3 0
  • Option 4 2
  • 2024-04-25
  • —2024-04-25
  • 3 votes
{'title': 'New arc poll ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 25, 19, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 25, 8, 56, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 3}


Hey guys, I’ve updated the “system user vs cultivator” chapter to make the gloves more effective, as I think having years shaved off your life would be very hindering, unless you have a millennia long lifespan, and Jun Li is only at the first stage, with a permanent world treasure buff. Buffs don’t enhance lifespan and at best he has a few extra decades:

The glove conformed to the cultivator's hand, clinging tightly as if drawn by a force beyond what either could perceive.

It began to rob Jun Li of his life force.

But slowly. Too slow. Far too slow to make a difference. It seemed Jun Li had years to spare.

The cultivator's face morphed into a mess of emotions as his eyes widened. It was a slight reaction, but Alex noticed. The cultivator jerked, moving much slower than before. The drain on his lifespan appeared to have rooted him to the spot, causing his movements to appear… hindered. The man quickly recomposed himself, but Alex didn’t miss the brief second of shock and disbelief strewn across his features— how his movements had become slow and hindered and how for the briefest of moments, an ant had halted an elephant and a mortal had chained one who thought themself a god.

Jun Li stood as if unbothered, his back straight and composed with an air of regality, his shock long forgotten. His sneer to returned, much stronger than before, as he met Alex’s gaze with a disdainful squeeze of his choking fingers.

"A scratch. Pathetic." 

Alex, despite being in a great amount of pain, smirked.

And I’m working on a new arc to be introduced in the next chapter “The System Raffle” which involves him using the ‘Vessel of madness’ to gain a new and randomised temporary skill each day.

“Chapter 48

“It’s not just a vessel of madness, it’s a shard of something called the Endless Library,” Gren’s voice rumbled,

Grenthar then regarded Alex. “but you should sell this. Yes, once consumed it grants you a single new skill every day, but the skills do not accumulate. The new skill will always replace the old one and you will have no choice over which skill is granted the next day, not to mention they would be granted without proficiency. The only way to keep a skill beyond a day is to master it completely, which is impossible.”

So there will be randomised daily skills once the Item is consumed. Any skill ideas of all kinds are welcome as the library pretty much contains every skill in existence, and any skills you’d like to see might be used at some point.

Much like an overweight child in an all you can eat buffet, I'm riddled with indecision in the face of lots of fun or cool choices. 

like combat related skills or something wild and random like a skill that could let him see earth (yes, Earth, with politics hookers and roulette)

So feel free to let me know of anything you would like to see. 

Which of the following skills would you like to see first?

1. Time Skip - Active, 180-second cooldown, no duration. Briefly accelerates time for the caster, allowing them to perform two actions immediately.

2. Eldritch Summon - Active, 1-hour cooldown, 30-minute duration. Summons an eldritch creature from another dimension to fight independently to the caster. Loyalty and obedience will be dependant on the entity summoned.

3. Ironskin - Active, 80-second cooldown, 30-second duration. Turns the caster's skin to iron, significantly reducing physical damage taken but slowing movement by 50%.

4. Electric Arc - Active, 10-second cooldown, no duration. Releases a short-range arc of electricity that shocks and stuns a single target.


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