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There's been an important change- Alex received first place for killing the queen, hence his enhanced rewards. Second was quite forced and didn't really serve a purpose, and was quite the mistake. He was always intended to get first place (as he practically solo’d the queen) but not get the evolution insight, so the evolution insight is now the reward for second place.

See the changes here:

Chapter 44:

Before either could respond, notifications filled each’s vision, the blue light of reward shining a soothing light only they could see.

[Quest: ‘Sapient Saviour’ Completed! - You have been graded as the highest contributor!]

Alex felt the silence engulf them while Mira seemed to puzzle over the messages floating before both of their eyes, their heavy breaths the only sound to break the stillness. He saw her blinking at the floating messages only they could see, her brow furrowing as she scanned the text with mounting confusion. It stated his position as the highest contributor to their victory which made sense, of course he was the highest, he had delivered the final blow, suggesting someone else had contributed more.

"I'm second? What?… how?" she murmured to herself, the question hanging in the air.

What's her deal? Alex wondered. I dealt the killing blow and the most damage in general, besides John’s spike attacks and the g- Mira’- he reminded himself. I definitely dealt more damage than Mira. Why does she look so unhappy with the result?

Mira noticed his bewilderment and moved closer. Her approach was hesitant, each step careful as she navigated through the debris. “Is something wrong? You look like you were expecting first place.” Alex asked curiosly. She looked up at him guiltily and wore a grin that seemed to wrestle with fatigue, a smile that didn't quite know if it belonged on her face given the surrounding devastation. “I kind of did. I thought I had made the biggest difference, but I guess I was wrong.” Alex looked on in confusion at her statement. That made no sense whatsoever.

Sensing his growing confusion, Mira responded. “Like I said… my venom acts differently from everyone else's," she said.


And here:

Chapter 44:

“I know I'm a great teacher but how'd you get so good?” Alex asked with intrigue lacing his words.

“When we fought I watched your moves and techniques… a lot,” she spoke softly, her voice tinged with guilt. "I wanted to understand it.”

The queen had alluded to the possibility of Alex being her ‘source’. If that was true, it could mean she had gained some of his martial prowess. It could explain her growth. He wondered how much she had gained.

“And the venom?” Alex ventured, turning from surveying the chamber's passages to meet her gaze.

"Our venom never really affects others of the swarm but mine does, I think.” Her eyes didn't meet his as she muttered her next words. “It must've not have weakened the queen as much as I'd hoped. And you did everything… I guess I was being greedy… Sorry?"

Alex felt her breath quicken and a shift in the chemicals that surrounded her form, but he didn't need a sixth sense to see that she felt guilty. That queen- the ‘Death of Men’… she could probably move faster than I could wield my Dao. Her level was 56, so that's 560+50 stats or more in split between strength and dexterity with a common class. So at the very least she had over 300 strength and 300 dexterity. That's 100 more than mine, not to mention the predation skill, with all the cores she ate it would have been higher… and then her Aura attacks made everything worse. I wouldn't be surprised if she had 400 stats on me without my ‘duel of corruption’ debuff doing its job. Some of those blows were practically unblockable without my techniques, and even with them. Heck, even if Mira’s venom didn't do much to help, I'm sure slowing the queen down even a little could've made a difference somehow.


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