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Heloooo Everyone!

Today I have FINALLY completed my newest illustration: APE-XX PREDATOR. This will be one of the 2-4 illustrations featured in my course to explain different concepts and workflows! (more on the course details at a later date)

And, as an early notice, I am finally launching a soft-preorder for my Procreate course! I will be launching it tomorrow morning, at 9 AM PST, 12 PM EST. The preorder will be available on my Gumroad store! I'll post here again when it's live with the direct link! 

 The full release date is December 21st, 2023. 

There will only be 200 spots available tomorrow for the pre-order.

Benefits to purchasing the preorder:

- 50% off ( $119.99 vs. $249.99 on December 21st)

- Ability to download ALL of the video content in addition to streaming them online (When Launched)

- Instant access to ALL of my Procreate Brushes.

Why am I doing a pre-order?

With how chaotic this year has been, there have been many delays and unexpected expenses on my end. With the announcement of Procreate Dreams, this has added some additional work on my end for the course. 

With this pre-order, I will be able to afford putting everything on hold and focusing on working on my course exclusively. No traveling. No Youtube videos - just filming and editing. I have already completed all of the artwork and curriculum, so it's just time to film and edit! 

limited the pre-order mainly because of the insane discount. I originally had it to be at about 175 usd, but I reduced it since I won't be able to create as much content to advertise it in time. 

HOWEVER, I also wanted to show some love to you all, since there has consistently been about 200 of you supporting me for the past couple years through all of my changes. I haven't even notified my course email list yet, but they will be getting notified very soon after this post. I am super excited to finally get this show on the road, and show you all what I have been able to achieve with Procreate!

Now for a bit more about the illustration...

This painting was very challenging and tbh...showed me how far my OCD can go with my art. The process for this painting will be very sporadic and seem to go in circles. This was so much the case, that I frequently got upset and distracted and didn't record some parts near the end. None of that is going to stop me though. There is still lots of footage that I am processing as we speak! I can't wait to get that out to you all.

It's gonna be nice to get back to doing art only for awhile after this course...looking forward to this new era of art that I sense collectively. Thats the biggest reason I am creating this course. To share everything that I have learned with the up and coming generation of artists. 

As always, Thank you all so very much for supporting me: 





Picked up the course this morning. Can't wait for the full launch !!


Looking forward to the course. See you in December