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Its finally done...well almost. 

I am extremely proud of this piece! It's the culmination of so many years of effort but also TONS of personal growth. In case you are wondering, there's very little technical feats here that led me to this result. (other than what I have been recently learning with color) Its all really a few meta/macro topics put together that I'll try to list here:

  • Not letting any fears prevent me from doing/trying/creating the coolest idea I currently have in mind. 
  • Letting go of mental blocks. Yes, You can spend 50-70 hours on a painting. Yes you can use 3d backgrounds. Yes you can bring in textures. Yes you can start in black and white. etc. 
  • Focusing on the end result as the primary goal. The means is not important. The little details are not important. My ego is not important. The initial reaction from the viewer is most important. 
  • Being unafraid to get criticism and listen to feedback during the process...going back on things I spent 1 hour doing if I see it looked better before. Complete severing of ego. 
  • Giving everything my best effort the first time around. This allows for happy accidents that make your work look above your skill level. (the skin on the chest area, some areas in the glass, the reflections in the metal, idk how to explain how to render them that well, its all just my best effort with some reference next to me and being careful to make as many strokes as possible while looking at the canvas as a whole)
  • Break down everything that needs to show up, and try painting/drawing it. Atmospheric smoke. Little reflective pieces of dust. Dirt. Blood splatter. Glass shards. Torn hair. Props. Scratches. Wounds. Damage. Whatever needs to be there, just do it. Eventually they will all stack together to make a phenomenal image. 




Whenever you make a piece like this it always manages to become my laptop wallpaper, thanks for sharing your work and growth as an artist with us


That looks so sick, you can just travel around the artwork and find well thought out details, decisions and knowledge. Super impressive, love seeing the growth!