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This is a WIP of a sketch that I revisited from a few months ago.  

I'm having alot of fun leaning into my drawings / drawing style and letting that decide how everything goes. Its got a really cool comic look I think I will run with  too. Idk If I will add color to it as I realize that I'm already pretty happy with it, and that it would be pretty difficult to fix the things I want to at this point without starting over. 

I'm looking at alot of screenshots from the show Arcane on Netflix, and from artists like @Ramon90, Alberto Mieglo, and @cutiicosmo . 

In order to figure out the background I "had" to do something pretty crazy...

I exported the sketch as a png image with no background. Then I brought it into PureRef, then  set PureRef to have a transparent background. I fired up Cyberpunk 2077 on my pc, and dragged the pure-ref window above it so that I could try to manipulate the view of my character to fit the same perspective as the drawing!

Unfortunately, video games are always "on top" when you are playing them, so It was a very tricky process. I couldn't get the pureref window to stay on top except with alot of random clicks to get it to kind of...glitch and stay over the Cyberpunk window lol. 
