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Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

Its been tooooo long since I have posted here so I wanted to let you know whats going on!

As far as rewards go, I will still be providing them all at the end of the month, but the weekly sketches that I usually share will be postponed until November. This month has become extremely busy with life stuff (biz + family issues that have improved now) and I'm still not quite in a comfortable place with where my career is headed. 

Theres lots of thinking and evaluating to do concerning how to properly support myself while improving my skills towards building a full career in art. I have slowly fallen off the wagon ever since I quit my job (covid prolonged that process since it made everyone quite active online) since I didn't make the mental distinction that I needed to separate the art that I make for myself, verses the content I make for Youtube etc. While I was working in architecture, I only made work for my channel, and I was very clearly focused . Now that the job is gone, I combined my artistic desires with youtube and income and likes etc and it has messed things up in both aspects. 

The work I made to discover myself as an artist was stained with concerns about likes/validation/money, and the work that I need to make to provide value to others/grow my buisness was stained with my own personal desires with an artist... which weren't even well founded since they were tainted with what I just mentioned. Hence LOTS of inconcistency.  I'm learning really fast though and have a strong boundary in my mind now about what types of art I make and how people receive it. 

In lighter news, I bought the new M1Max Macbook Pro! They just released this Monday and I am excited to be done with my frustrating experience with Windows. I also plan to make a video about it on my channel. Editing on the new Macbook Airs from last year has been quite a good experience overall for something so small and light. While watching a ton of videos about the product, I realized that I wanted to go back to my roots as Apple is doing with my videos and start filming myself again. I never realized how much people value me, rather than just my work with my content. Some of you have expressed similar thoughts as well here. I'm looking forward to being able to sit down, look at a camera, and have videos where I can switch back and forth easily between that and what I am working on. This new mac is going to make that SO easy and quick to do. As you can see in the photo, I am getting my setup ready to adapt to this new workflow. 

Anyways, thank you all so much for your love and support! I am really excited for next week. Its perfect timing since my new pc will arrive and I have plenty of work to do with it before November! 




I'm anxious to see how things work out with your "MacBook Pro". I'm interested in getting one too. If it's anything like my older one from 2015, I'm sure it's going to be well worth it. Haven't made up my mind just yet. I appreciate you sharing your growth with us. It's very motivating!


Unfortunately I got the 2019 MacBook Pro last year this time 😭 The M1 chip really came for Intel. I’m so excited to see what programs are available to ipad, given the M1 chip! Thanks for the update!