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Hey everyone! Happy Friday.

I just thought I'd share what I've been sketching lately on a regular basis, but not sure about the frequency. I think having more than just a few drawings is best though. 

The first 3 pages are done in procreate, the rest were done in Clip Studio Paint. Some thoughts this week is that I need to start studying how to stylize anatomy more. My faces are quite stylized already, but for some reason, my default bodies are too realistic. You can see on the last page I referenced Rapunzel and tried to come up with a body to match. I find I am quite successful when I start from the face, buuuut that's not an effective way to intentionally draw. Its good for intuitive exploration though. Over half of the work here is imaginative in some form or another. I also want to push myself to 'finish' more things next week and get over limiting mindsets about drawing. 

That's all I'll say for now, let me know if you have any questions about these drawings and I'll be happy to answer them! 




Any good books on anatomy anyone?


I recommend Anatomy for Sculptors, but theres tons of others like Michael Hampton's book or Bridgeman. The problem most artists face is trying to find the best book or gathering too many. You want to study like how the current 40-50 year old artists did - Pick one thing and study the hell out of it. As a mangaka once said : You need to make sure the edges of the pages are stained before you start another book. Just pick one and draw everything in it cover to cover.


I love the sketches! I've been eating up all your advice and so far I've been loving the content. But I'm having trouble selecting an anatomy book to select and solely dig into that specfic book. I currently have micheal hamptons book, the stonehouse anatomy book, and the anatomy for sculptors book. So I'm curious to know which anatomy book do you think is best to kickoff my anatomy studies? (So far I've studied a massive chunk of gesture, and some structure) thank you so much for this patreon and having the time of day to read this! keep up the great work!


Thanks Grimey! I really appreciate the feedback. However, I’m not going to tell you which one. The main skill you need to learn is to take charge of your own education. You’re on the right path telling me you studied tons of gesture but thats not really part of anatomy anyways so all it means is that each one will be a big help. I don’t have all of those books and I also don’t know how you best absorb information, and I’m not sure what would be best for you. YOU need to look at those questions, spend some time with each book, to see which you prefer, and get started. Don’t look for anymore books. I guarantee you every pro artist you show my response to will agree. Whatever concern you have with “wasting time”, trust me its the 100% silly and unnecessary- very sneaky human desire to complicate things and beat around the bush forever. I could easily just say oh pick the Stonehouse one since it has the most information but I really want everyone to leave here having improved, for REAL, or at the very least pissed at me for not making it easy, but they’ll never forget what I told them. Come back with questions you have after learning more about anatomy, or at the least how you study. Thats the key - learning and asking more and more specific questions based on the data you collected. Best of luck and get studying!