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Hey guys! I hope you're having a nice week so far o/ Today has been a bit of a weird day because we had a few hours without electricity for some repairs. That meant no drawing or doing anything entertaining, but I managed to finish this wip at least.

To be honest, you don't know how jealous I am you guys are playing BG3 and I'm not :( And on top of it Shadowheart won, I'M TRYING TO RESIST THE URGE TO BUY IT, but you're making things difficult >_> Joking, joking

About the pose I chose, I really wanted to pick 2 because I loved that idea, but since her face/characteristic bangs wouldn't be too visible I discarded it. I think I'll use it in the future for another character, I think.

In any case, I hope you like how it's looking so far! Thank you so much for your support and have a great day 💖



Queen Emerald

Ah Mystra this looks amazing! I'm sad to hear you havent been able to play it yet!


Thanks Badger! And don't be sad, it won't be long until I play it. It's just that I have lying around a couple of games and the ps store prices have gone up like crazy this last month, so I'll have to wait until the first sale