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Hey guys! As you know PLAK time is over and these are our winners:

  • Popular character: Feo Ul  (Final Fantasy XIV)
  • EXTRA poll: Stocking (Panty & Stocking)

This month was INTENSE on the popular character poll. What a comeback Feo Ul did on the last hours!! And I'm not going to take the credit; She was a suggestion from one of our ten tentacled octopuses, so thank you so much for suggesting her!

Stocking sweeped the floor with the rest of contestants on hers, so I guess you had it clear from the start :P 

I'll start working immediatly. Thank you for taking part on this and for your support!



Stocking seemed like a strange choice for the secondary poll; Panty and Stocking is super popular >.>


There is no set rules for that poll tbh, I try to put there what it's most new or franchises that receive something relevant (like panty and stocking announcing a new anime), but I just make a list of characters and split it between polls as I see fit


Fair enough! It's still rad that we get two polls at all, so :D